Asada Shino (sinon)

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ships: kirito, asuna, shinkawa, leafa, silica, Subtilizer, alice, eugeo, yuuki, link, klein, lisbeth

Pet type: lizard (bearded dragon)

teacher of: physics

🔳 you play games in VRMMOs
🔳 you're the only one that can make her angry
🔳 even after a serious argument still wants to help you
🔳 will smile, hold your hand and kiss your cheek softly if you do something for her
🔳 your best partner in anything
🔳 will die for you
🔳 sometimes sings for you when she's sad
🔳 jumps into your mind when you're thinking
🔳 really scares when you're acting stupidly. and you should be scared when she's scared.
🔳 will be angry if you give up on your goal.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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