Roy Mustang

12 0 0

Type: quiet, someone who loves children, someone who hates the military

mbti: ENTJ

quote: Life that has been lost cannot be brought back again. That very truth is what shows us the meaning and value of living.

ships: riza, ed, hughes

pet type: dog

teacher of: law

🔥 needs you to rub his hair and head when he's upset
🔥 you can make him angry easily by teasing him
🔥 helps you choose your clothes when you wanna go out
🔥 flirts a lot and gently
🔥 you two always keep each others' secrets
🔥 you can always count on him
🔥 when you glance at him suddenly, gives you a smile
🔥 if you fall on him, kisses you all of a sudden
🔥 doesn't let you take risk
🔥 his teasing is to kiss you and make you blush

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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