Takumi Usui

46 3 3

type: gentle, hardworking, sweet

mbti: ISTP

quote: How far do you want me to suppress myself so that you’ll be satisfied?

Ships: misaki, yukimura

pet type: raccoon

teacher of: physics

🍽 stalks you, and he's sometimes pervert
🍽 his kisses are soft and take long
🍽 puts you ‌in his arms and does your hair
🍽 he's not so kind when gets angry
🍽 you can sit on his back and punch him but all you'll get is a smirk
🍽 lifts you in public to make you angry
🍽 tickles you until you confess you love him
🍽 sometimes takes his head near yours to make you blush
🍽 you'll fall in love with him more and more after every argument
🍽 takes you to a funfair and you should try everything you're scared of
🍽 he's scary when he becomes jealous

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن