Riza Hawkeye

14 0 0

type: quiet, someone who loves children

mbti: ISTJ

Ships: roy, olivier, winry, edward

pet type: Turtle

teacher of: maths

♨ never lets anyone bother you and if that happened, she gets rid of them and then treats you like a child
♨ you have romantic codes but people around think you're saying non-sense
♨ if you kiss her forehead she will kiss you on the lips
♨ feels danger if you look at her in an unusual way
♨ you go shopping together
♨ likes you to do her hair
♨ so clingy
♨ hugs you so tightly that you will be suffocated
♨ always watches you when you're sleeping and sometimes takes pictures
♨ feels safe when you hug her

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now