Tsubasa Oozora

41 3 9

Type: lovely

mbti: ENFP

Ships: sanae, wakabayashi, misaki, Hyuga, misugi, pierre, matsuyama, misaki x wakabayashi, itsuki, Nitta

Pet type: dog

teacher of: soccor, sociology

⚽ loves to be in your cuddle or between your legs, talking about his problems
⚽ loves to go on trips with you, and shows you anything he thinks you will love
⚽ loves it when you hug him tight and kiss his cheek. He will blush.
⚽ a good listener
⚽ teaches you football if you want
⚽ really likes you to be present on his matches and encourage him.
⚽ you should always be there to cure him
⚽ you go out together and walk for a long time
⚽ loves it when you put his food in his mouth
⚽ rubs his cheek to yours when you're alone and especially when you two haven't seen each other for a long time.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your requests ❤

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