Viktor Nikiforov

18 0 0

type: soft hearted, someone who really loves him, somehow cold

mbti: ENFJ

Ships: yuri, yurio

pet type: parrot

teacher of: ice skating, history

🇷🇺 teaches you ice skating and buys you ice skate boots
🇷🇺 you eat katsudon together
🇷🇺 gives you a sweet smile if you buy him gifts
🇷🇺 loves to hold your hand
🇷🇺 lets you sleep in his arms
🇷🇺 takes lots of cute selfies with you
🇷🇺 does your hair
🇷🇺 insists you to go to his home
🇷🇺 wakes you up in the morning to walk with him if he wants to talk about important things
🇷🇺 loves to feel your breaths on his neck

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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