Hak Son

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Type: sarcastic, loyal, someone who shows  him her love

mbti: ISTP

ships: yona, jae ha, soo won, kija

quotes: A world without weaponry and war, where no one gets hurt, is but a pipe dream.

pet type: raccoon

teacher of: sports

🔵 gibes a lot
🔵 will be so angry if you lie to him
🔵 always tries to figure out what your problem is if you don't tell him
🔵 sometimes really wants to kiss you, hug you, etc but he resists. just know it when he's teasing you he's hiding his emotions.
🔵 will be the nightmare of anyone who bothers you
🔵 hugs you from behind and pats your stomach, and kisses your shoulder when he wants to go home.
🔵 loves to go to the sauna and jacuzzi with you
🔵 he won't react if you lean on his back, but really loves it
🔵 picks you up on his shoulder when you become stubborn
🔵 when you're busy, leans on you on a coach and listens to music.
🔵 gives you a smile when you tell him to be with you. Then comes to your home.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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