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Quote: if you begin with overconfidence and arrogance, you'll die

ships: tatsumi, kurome, esdeath, chelsea, mine,  lubbock, leone

pet type: turtle

teacher of: maths

🌑 likes you to put her food in her mouth
🌑 is always on your side
🌑 never lets you feel alone
🌑 likes to go out on nature with you
🌑 sometimes needs to cry in your embrace
🌑 is shy when she wants to give you presents
🌑 kisses you when it's dark
🌑 always worries about you
🌑 takes you to a restaurant but you should pay
🌑 just buy her candy if you want her to do something for you

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now