Kotori Minami

38 3 0

Type: fancier, someone who can't relax easily

mbti: INFP

quote: As long as we have motivation and a goal to aspire to, we can keep trying! 

Ships: umi, Eli, hanayo, nozomi, maki, rin, you

pet type: cat

teacher of: art

🌫️ draws many costumes in her notebook and show them to you, then sews the one you like the most
🌫️ when you have a problem, she can't relax unless all of them are solved.
🌫️ Makes candies for you
🌫️ So dependent on you
🌫️ Just wants to do something for you, no matter what it is
🌫️ Cares about your happiness more than anything else
🌫️ She's not just a girlfriend, she's your best friend
🌫️ When you wanna draw with her to just see how she draws customs, she smiles and pulls your cheek
🌫️ you take cute and / or stupid selfies
🌫️ Grabs you, closes her eyes and kisses you. Then blushes badly. Then you will understand what she did.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your requests❤

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now