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Type: passionate, selfish, easily becomes excited


Ships: elaine, king, jericho, meliodas, elizabeth, Diane, gowther

Pet type: horse

teacher of: sports

🦊 uses your things without permission and if you catch him he'll steal them
🦊 does anything he wants whenever he wants
🦊 will be surprised if you buy anything for him
🦊 arm wrestles you
🦊 cooks anything you want
🦊 loves every part of you
🦊 kisses you when you're upset with him
🦊 loves to take your clothes off as much as you let him
🦊 hugs you painfully
🦊 loves to pick you up when you're sleep
🦊 loves it when you put on his clothes for him
🦊 loves you to lie on his lap on a couch
🦊 has no reaction if you tease or bother him
🦊 buys shampoos, soaps, etc so that you will smell so good

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now