Taiga Aisaka

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type: someone who helps her, someone who understands her hidden feelings

mbti: ISFP

quote: It doesn’t matter if you grew up without parents, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in God. There’s someone out there watching over you.

ships: ryuuji, kitamura, ami

pet type: cat

teacher of: art

🍙 don't make her angry, or she'll be your nightmare
🍙 will blush badly if you kiss her, but likes it
🍙 eats whatever she wants no matter how unhealthy they are. But if you cook anything for her she'll eat.
🍙 wears Santa Claus clothes on Christmas and puts gifts on your bed secretly
🍙 you're the only one she allows to touch her
🍙 can't say she loves you so you should tell her cuz she's shy
🍙 calls you "my dog"
🍙 puts your food in your mouth even in public, she also loves her food to be put in her mouth by you
🍙 never lets any other girl gets near to you, but if that happens, she'll cry because of anger (that means she's ready to kill her, especially if she bothers you or talks behind your back)
🍙 the thing that she loves to see before falling asleep, is your smiling face

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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