
19 1 3

type: strong-willed, loyal, serious

Quote: If you do evil out of a hatred for evil, that rage and hate will merely birth new conflict.

ships: shirou, gilgamesh, lancer, archer, irisviel, rin, mordred, violet (crossover), merlin, jeanne, lancer x archer

🦁 she's always honest with you
🦁 you can call her "beautiful" but never call her "beautiful girl"
🦁 so loyal
🦁 when you play games, she takes it hard.
🦁 loves to go to zoos
🦁 never take her to restaurants, unless you want to be poor
🦁 loves to discover new things with you
🦁 really needs you when she's sad or is stressful, just be there and assure her
🦁 hugs you when you're tired, until you fall asleep
🦁 never eat her food, she will moan and complain
🦁 loves it when you pat her cheek.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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