Yuuki Asuna

34 1 5

Type: calm, kind, emotional

mbti: ENFJ

quote: There is one thing I’ve learned here. To keep doing your best, up until the very end.

ships: kirito, yuuki, alice, sinon, eugeo, kirito x yui, yui, Shin, sugou

pet type: parrot

teacher of: swordplay, history

🍔 loves it when you do her hair but she shouts at you.
🍔 you make her happy by buying great gifts on her birthday.
🍔 be careful what you say, or she will threaten you badly
🍔 you feel relax when she sleeps next to you under the shade of a tree, but be careful that she's sleep, or then will be angry at you, so you should make lots of excuses.
🍔 loves cherry pink clothes and cherry pink hairpins
🍔 doesn't get jealous easily
🍔 cooks you your favorite food (sandwiches, most of the time)
🍔 don't tell her scary stories she really doesn't like it
🍔 doesn't show it but is always ready to protect you
🍔 places her hands around your neck from behind when you are busy doing something
🍔 really needs you when she is disappointed to listen to her (of course she doesn't say that, you should understand it yourself)

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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