Killua Zoldyck

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type: Cheeky, positive, mature

mbti: INTP

Quote: People only find me interesting because they can’t tell whether I’m serious or not.

ships: gon, alluka, illumi, kurapika, hisoka, canary, bisky

pet type: rabbit

teacher of: maths

⚡ buys sweet foods and chocolate for you in a way that your dentist will be mad at you
⚡sometimes uses his shadow step to scare you
⚡treats you mischievously and teases a lot
⚡you go out on a normal day and find out the one who bothered you the day before is dead (killed)
⚡controls himself to not get mad at you
⚡throws pies at your face on your birthday
⚡wears his best clothes on dates
⚡soft kisses and hugs when you're sleepy
⚡sometimes comes and rubs his head under your neck to be noticed
⚡always appears on your way home
‌⚡can cure your worry with his winks
⚡always realizes your feelings about him

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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