Hanayo Koizumi

20 1 0

Type: shy, good cook

mbti: ISFJ

ships: rin, maki, kotori, nozomi, umi

teacher of: home economics

🍀 makes white rice for you
🍀 lets you pinch her cheek
🍀 sometimes practices with you to know if she's good enough or not
🍀 always asks for your advice
🍀 sometimes tries to draw you
🍀 tries to look good when you're around
🍀 blushes badly if you kiss her forehead but likes it
🍀 listens to your problems even if they're so silly
🍀 you always go to a cafe for breakfast
🍀 always is saying "someone help me" so be near her when you're not really busy

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thanks for your requests ❤

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now