Gray Fullbuster

43 0 0

Type: relaxed

mbti: ISTP

ships: juvia, natsu, lucy, erza, lyon, lucy x natsu, Juvia x lyon

Quotes: if you're looking back all the time, you'll never get ahead.

pet type: raccoon

teacher of: physics

❄ likes to strip and show you his body
❄thinks you're so cute. Especially when he's thinking about how small you are in his cuddle
❄ you have stupid arguments
❄ gets worried easily when something bad happens to you
❄ needs you in his arms in bed when he wants to sleep. He also kisses your cheek at least once before falling asleep.
❄ you tease each other a lot
❄ gives you piggyback ride when you're tired, then you will fall asleep there.
❄ will be confused if you hug him from behind
❄ hugs you from behind when you're not with him and busy
❄ a bio cooler on hot days in summer

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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