Yuri Plisetsky

20 0 0

type: introvert, kind

mbti: ENTJ

ships: beka, kenma, bakugou, yuuko, viktor, rin

pet type: dog

teacher of: ice skating, law

😾 never lets you pay for anything
😾 can be soft with you
😾 you go to his home and play with his cat
😾 lets you wear his jackets or set your clothes with him
😾 loves you to watch his movements
😾 feels safe when you hold his hand
😾 never brakes his promises
😾 takes you to a cafe to talk about his feelings but ends up talking about irrelevant things
😾 loves it when you hug him tightly especially when he's sad
😾 is always curious about everything about you and sometimes asks questions

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thanks a lot for reading❤

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