Itachi Uchiha

66 1 0

type: calm, Pacific

mbti: INFJ

ships: izumi, Sasuke, kisame, sakura, Naruto, deidara, kakashi, konan, sarada, neji, madara, orochimaru, obito

pet type: Hedgehog

teacher of: psychology

🌕 he summons crows and they sit on your shoulder or hand, then you two talk about important things
🌕 You never have arguments
🌕 Respects you and is kind with you
🌕 Your parents and he love each other
🌕 loves it when you buy or make dango for him and put it in his mouth (he will blush)
🌕 You go on dates a lot and it's on a coffeeshop most of the time
🌕 Buys sweets for you
🌕 Lets you dry his hair when he comes out of the bathroom. He may also be shirtless to see what do you look like when you blush
🌕 Hugs you when you're sad
🌕 You sometimes play game of tag

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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