Wendy Marvell

17 0 0

Mbti: ISFJ

Quote: If I haven’t had fear, then I also wouldn’t have been able to know what it’s like to have bravery in my heart.Bravery that awakens when you’re being consumed by fear.

Ships: romeo, mest, chelia, natsu, erza

teacher of: home economics

⛲ takes care of you when you're sick
⛲ likes to take shower with you
⛲ sings for you
⛲ sometimes strews water on you as teasing
⛲ don't be so comfortable as she's shy
⛲ stutters when she wants to talk to you
⛲ feels safe if you have her in your arms when she's asleep
⛲ blushes if you give her a piggyback ride
⛲ likes you to have her head in you embrace and pat her
⛲ the best listener

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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