Honoka Kosaka

32 2 0

type: not afraid to take risk, Hardworking


ships: kotori, umi x kotori, hanayo

Quotes: There’s no need to be nervous, we’re here with you!

Pet type: dog (labrador)

teacher of: sociology

🧡 loves it when you buy her pink clothes
🧡 Makes rice cakes for you and loves it when you buy her bread
🧡 She never scares of taking risks and makes you take risk with her even if you don't want (then she will tell you logical reasons and again if you're not satisfied she will start telling illogical reasons. Finally you will go.)
🧡 When she starts something nothing can change her mind, so don't try. This is also true when she wants to buy something
🧡 Gets confused when you hold her arm, also when you stare at her in an unusual way
🧡 Loves to experience new things with you
🧡 Loves to dance with you
🧡 Loves to play with your hair cuz she wants to see what will you look like in different hairstyles (but never give her scissors)
🧡 Loves to buy strawberries
🧡 Her smile gives you energy
🧡 Almost never gets angry
🧡 you go swimming in pool together

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your requests❤

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