Koneko Toujou

41 1 2

Type: quiet

mbti: ISTJ

Ships: issei, kiba, kuroka

pet type: cat, turtle

teacher of: maths

😸 one of the things you do in your free time is that she stares at you and you should guess her feelings in that moment
😸 you love her Neko form
😸 hugs you from behind when you are too busy to notice her
😸 when your work takes too long, she taps on your shoulder until you give up on whatever you're doing
😸 long talks at late night
😸 she can sleep on you everywhere and at any time but if you're shirtless, things are different
😸 you HAVE TO let her sit on you
😸 pretends to be innocent after doing something wrong
😸 loves it when you cuddle her and pat her back

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your requests❤

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now