Tamaki Suoh

35 3 1

type: honest

Mbti: ENFJ

Quote: What good are dreams, if all you do is work? There’s more to life than hitting the books, I hope you know.

Ships: haruhi, kyoya

pet type: parrot

teacher of: history

👑 no need to do anything, just be with him and he's happy.
👑 Although he acts foolish most of the time, he will become so serious when you have any problems, need help, or are sad.
👑 helps you more than he can
👑 calls you "daughter". And loves to be called daddy. (It's a way to hide his feelings)
👑 makes you coffee and ramen, and also buys you sweets
👑 acts really childish around you. Actually, he thinks it's a chance to be with you and have fun
👑 teaches you playing the piano
👑 you watch anime together
👑 cries easily
👑 so glib with you and tells you you're beautiful
👑 so clingy
👑 always thinking about finding ways to kiss you stealthy

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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