Kuuga Sakurai

27 1 38


Ships: Sakura, Misaki

pet type: horse

teacher of: singing, sports

🎤 flirts with calmness
🎤 pins you to the wall and kisses you
🎤 asks you about your personal life
🎤 never gets angry if you had a fight and is ready to make up
🎤 takes your hand and forces you to go with him anywhere interesting, or anywhere that you can be alone
🎤 puts his hand behind your head and takes it, then kisses you
🎤 always reminds you that you should be nice
🎤 winks if you look at him for too long
🎤 does everything to see you blushing
🎤 spends all his lunchtime with you

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thanks for your request❤

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