Sasuke Uchiha

36 0 0

type: happy, wise, mature

mbti: ISFP

quote: I understand now. Even if I must take the devil’s fruit, I must gain power. I am an avenger.

ships: naruto, sakura, itachi, karin, kakashi, boruto, sarada, orochimaru, suigetsu, gaara

pet type: cat

teacher of: art

🗡 takes you out walking a lot
🗡 makes omusubi for you
🗡 pokes your forehead when you're sad
🗡 trusts you the most
🗡 buys ice creams and popsicles for you
🗡 was completely shocked when you kissed him for the first time
🗡 kisses your forehead to make you smile
🗡 loves it when you pat his hair
🗡 when he's asleep you can secretly go sleep with him
🗡 asks for your advice
🗡 he'll sleep if you fall sleep on his shoulder
🗡 just stares at you emotionless when you're saying something illogical
🗡 has a sense of rivalry with you
🗡 his way of teasing is that he acts like you're too younger than him

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora