Orihime Inoue

17 0 0

Type: independent

mbti: ESFJ

Ships: ulquiorra, Ichigo, grimmjow, uryu, tatsuki, Aizen, rukia

pet type: guinea pig

Teacher of: foreign languages

🏵 never talks about her past
🏵 you love her drawings and pictures
🏵 don't wear black or white clothes she doesn't like it
🏵 she never accepts your help
🏵 she's a bit shy in public
🏵 she can cheer you up better than anyone and she uses different methods
🏵 always can guess what's going on in your mind.
🏵 she gets in trouble easily and doesn't say anything about her wounds. So you should realize it yourself
🏵 you can simply make her happy by buying beautiful hairpins for her
🏵 always thinks about you
🏵 lets you put your head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat.

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now