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mbti: ESFJ

quote: A sound soul… dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body.

ships: soul, kid, black star, stein, chrona, tsubaki, kid x soul

pet type: guinea pig

teacher of: Foreign languages

⛏ always has your back but never shows it
⛏ punches you sometimes but the strength is based on her feelings
⛏ you do her hair
⛏ blushes if you hold both sides of her face
⛏ sleeps on the couch so that you will pick her up and put her in bed (a way of making you to confess you love her)
‌⛏ lets you hug and push her from behind
⛏ kisses you suddenly but never mentions it
⛏ puts her head on your stomach and grabs your clothes for giving attention
⛏ never agrees with you in public
⛏ likes to go to a funfair and try 'every' terrifying machine

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.

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