Ruby Kurosawa

16 1 0

type: hardworking, not very older, playful


ships: hanamaru

teacher of: home economics

🍒 you cut her hair
🍒 you should understand what her real opinion is because she's shy about saying them
🍒 sometimes gets talkative when you're alone
🍒 cries in your embrace easily
🍒 acts so sweet if you buy a lollipop for her
🍒 sometimes tries to be serious but you both end up laughing
🍒 loves to be hugged
🍒 pushes your cheeks slightly when you're asleep
🍒 tries to make dolls with your face
🍒 always asks about your works when you're not with her

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your request ❤

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