Chapter 48: |Robinhood's Ex-Girlfriend|

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As I get farther away from the place, sobs heaved my chest as tears continued to roll down my eyes.

And, with the rain from the skies they felt extremely heavier and painful than everything.

My steps soon slowed down over time and I gradually walked through the stony pavements of the town without any sense of direction.

The world around me looked so black and gloomy. The street lamps gently hit on my figure. But, even they felt so dull and dingy on this mood.

The rain thumped quickly on the ground. Many people were rushing for a shelter during this thunderstorm. And, Among them a few people walked with their companions under their shared umbrellas.

I felt like their umbrellas were the only things that looked colorful to me.

Many couples, friends and happy families walked under though they were lighting up the way with each step they too.

Everything I wasn't blessed with at any point of my life.

A happy love life.

A perfect relationship with my mother..

The harmony I had with people who I could call as friends..

And,.. And.. This horrible relationship I had with Zeno.

I never understood his feelings.

And, he never did to mine.

Both of us were lying things to each other...

And, the pain we feel when everything finally comes to light is so..

Tears rolled down my eyes again.

Terrible and entirely unbearable!

I have no idea what was happening to Zeno. I wanna to see him. But, I can't because.. Because..because.. I am the reason he became like this.

Why is everything always like that..?

Why does things still go wrong though the two us equally try our best to make things perfect from the start to the end..?

Whoever said being in love was magical and easy in Fairytale. If it was we wouldn't have to suffer like this!

The date was a complete mess!

From the start till the end.

Our relationship is a mess!

And.. Thinking all this.. I recal, It's just like what Farala-san said to in past, during our journey to save Cinderella.

It's really like the two of us are cursed by the red thread of fate to never be togather.

But, .. But.. it's a lie if say I do not love him.

The rain showered more harder dripping my entire figure and I stagger through the footpath admist the street full of umbrella.

Seriously, why is our love life such a struggle?

Is all this happening because.. I am not Zeno's fated woman..? Would our relationship be very harmonious if we were the protagonists.. Like Cinderella told me..?

I ... I..

I want to be a protagonist too..

I don't want to be a villainess.

It would be nice if I be a beautiful protagonist.

What I didn't notice then was, as my thought turned more twisted and desperate, the dark energy I felt while accidentally pushing down Gerold had gotten so thick that even my vision was getting blurry.

I Swear, I Am Not A Cinderella |Book 2- The Fairytale Academy|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang