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I woke up and saw Tharn looking at straight at me with Puppy eyes and his naughty smile...... with his cheeks on my chest.. and surprisingly I was sleeping straight on my bed...

I moved him away from me to get up and brush my teeth..when he held my wrist.. and said,...

"U look beautiful when you sleep...."

"stop flirting with me.. Tharn..." I said...

"why ?? whats wrong.. oi.. I am elder to me Phi"

"Buzz off.. you and your statements.... We have known each other since school days... and to tell you the truth ..if we don't consider the age factor.... And consider the maturity factor.. you should be the one calling me I am always the one taking care of your senior...."

"Type you should not talk to me like that...I just went through a breakup.." he pouted...

Hearing breakup... I realized I crossed the boundary.... So I apologized... and seeing him smirk... made me throw my pillow at him.. "Cant you be serious one time Tharn.. for god sake your groom left you standing at the alter.."

Tharn looked at me...his eyes... had mixed emotions.... Which disappeared .... Before I could understand.. and he said.... "San chose his path... to leave me and pursue his dream... I cannot complain because I never asked him properly during the preparations.. When I saw him gazing off.. so I don't have a say in this...

Hearing him... I felt sad... I love him so much I need to get San back to him...he might not show his pain.. but I know him well..too well.... But at first I need to find out where exactly he is... may be I should ask his friends and family...

I cant talk to Tharn about this now.... As I don't want him to have hopes... what if I fail to keep my word.. so I will find my on my own way.. you just Tharn....i will get your love back to you....

"hey.. wanna catch a movie.... Its been long we haven't gone out together..."Tharn said....

" okay....." I said...


Waking up in the morning.... Was never my style. I am proud to say that I am a late riser....

But today ...when I woke up I found my head on something very soft.. my pillow is softer,..but warmth... a pillow cannot give human warmth....

I carefully rose my head to see a beautiful angel sleeping and my head was on his lap... I never noticed that Type was so beautiful.. I was staring at his long eye lashes... and full plump lips... his head was supported by a pillow... and I realized that he slept in a sitting position.. I knew Type was a heavy sleeper.. I slowly rose from my position. I carefully placed my hand around his neck ..and placed him on the pillow..

I was so close to him.... I could feel his soft breadth...his chocolate smell along with a hint of alcohol... it was such a pleasing sight..

Why didn't I notice Type before?? How handsomely beautiful he is?? To tell you the truth... Type is much more good looking than San..

I slid my hand from his neck and moved up... I shifted his legs on the bed...and covered him with a quilt...

Seeing his chest rise and fall in breath I softly placed my head on his chest and observed him...

I just couldn't stop staring at him.. when he fluttered his eyes open...I smiled at him showing my teeth ..but he gave me a "DON'T CARE" look...

I was a bit hurt.... So I moved away from him

When he left my side and rose up .. I don't know but automatically my hand held his wrist to make him stop....i blurted out. "U look beautiful when you sleep...."

"stop flirting with me.. Tharn..." he said...

"why ?? whats wrong.. oi.. I am elder to me Phi" .. I teased him

"Buzz off.. you and your statements.... We have known each other since school days... and to tell you the truth ..if we don't consider the age factor.... And consider the maturity factor.. you should be the one calling me I am always the one taking care of your senior...." he said sarcastically

"Type you should not talk to me like that...I just went through a breakup.." I pouted..showing my sad face... well its true that I was hurt with San's breakup...but why I doesn't hurt more than it should be?? I wonder!!!!

Telling him about my breakup first thing in the morning...made him uneasy...So he apologized... and I smirked..he threw a pillow at me.. "Cant you be serious one time Tharn.. for god sake your groom left you standing at the alter.."

That hurts... I was feeling sad and disappointed ..but I was not broke..I wonder why??

I looked at him with a combinations of sad and ahppy emotion.. sad because of San...and happy because of Type...but before he could understand managed myself to hid the feelings...looking at him..I said.... "San chose his path... to leave me and pursue his dream... I cannot complain because I never asked him properly during the preparations.. When I saw him gazing off.. so I don't have a say in this..."

Its true .. I agree I was my fault .....but I never knew that San would take a drastic step... we were friends first.. he could have talked to me.... I suppose...

Type went to freshen up.... When he left I recollected my memories... about our school days.. I rememeber how Type started to move away from us .... When I met San... I used to hand out with him was my mistake that I didn't pay attention to my best friend... BEST FRIEND !!! WHY DOES IT SOUND ODD WHEN IT COMES TO TYPE??????

When Type came out full fresh.... I took the pillow on my lap and said "hey.. wanna catch a movie.... Its been long we haven't gone out together..." I asked..

"okay....." he replied bluntly....    

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