Chapter 18.

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After everything shawn told me I couldn't concentrate at work,I was trying so hard to wrap my head around this new discovery, my mum has been the reason why everything that has happened to me happened, she was the reason I didn't have a good childhood and yet,all this while she kept making my father look bad,she kept blaming him for our constant moving when deep down she knew she was to blame, how could she do this to me,she was my mum fro God sake.

Hurt was understatement to what I was feeling right now,I felt that I have been betrayed by the one person who was supposed to have my back,and it hurts, it also made me scared,I was scared that I might not be a good mum to my child,I was scared that I would be just like my mum, and it terrifies me.

The sound of my ringing tone brought my attention back to earth, I checked the caller id and it was my mum, speaking of the devil.

"I am so mad at you right now it's hurts mum" I said

"Why baby what's wrong?"

" didn't you tell me you were married to my dad's brother that you cheated on your husband with my dad, I know this shouldn't be a phone conversation but I'm so mad at you right now,it hurts,I feel betrayed" I said letting it all out even if I know that wasn't the best way to go about it, well blame the pregnancy hormones.

"Alia I can explain and trust me,it isn't as it seems,I am not the villain here,I'll be there with you tommorow and we can talk about it ok"she said,I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Fine" I said and dropped the call.

"Hi miss Alia can I come in" chloe said at the door of my office.

"Sure" I said.

"This package just came in for you from Mr Aaron with these bouquet of flowers and a card" chloe said with a thousand dollar smile plastered on her face which made me smile too.

I picked up the flower and immediately I hated the smell, pregnancy hormones are the worst sometimes.

"I don't want to see this flowers anywhere around me ok" I said and gave her back the flowers.

"And also mr zion said I should let you know that he has gone for an important meeting in Korea and he would be back in two days time,which means body guards 24/7" chloe said.

"Yeah right,24/7 my foot, anyways since he would be gone for two days it means two days of freedom for me, and right now all I carve for is ice cream, vanilla, chocolate and cherry flavors and you my beloved chloe will get them for me now,thank you, now go" I said.

"Yes ma'am" chloe said with a big smile on her face.

When Chloe left I decided to do a little work at list I owed this company that much, I checked some records that were sent to my desk and after trying my best to sincerely concentrate on what I was doing but failed miserably cause my mind kept going to the ice cream I was craving g for and also to my newly found discoveries, I decided to stop and play some music to clear my thoughts.

"Hello, here's your ice cream, all the flavors you wanted"chloe said cheerfully as she placed the cup of ice creams she was holding on the table.

The sight of these goodies cheered me up instantly and immediately I picked up the vanilla flavor and started eating it, the taste was divine, mouth watering, ice cream had never tasted so good until today.

There was a knock on my door few minutes later and Chloe went over to see who it was, but before Chloe could say anything to whoever it was the person pushed her aside and walked into my office.

Tracy, the sight of her made me so angry,she was putting on an awful red leather skirt and a black top, she actually made an effort to look good which made me roll my eyes.

"What do you want" I asked with a scowl on my face, I honestly wasn't even going to hide the fact that her presence annoyed me.

"Where's Zion, been calling his number is switched off" she said which made me want to slap her so bad.

"And how am I suppose to give a darm about that?" I asked giving her the seriously look.

" you are lucky you are carrying his child else I would have put a bullet in your head, now preggie tell me what I want to know before I loose my patience" she said slamming her hands on my desk.

Call it pregnancy hormones or myself but before I could stop myself I picked up on of the ice cream on the table and slammed it on her face,and it felt so good.

"Don't you ever call me preggie you ugly betrayer with your ugly red skirt" I said while rubbing the ice cream on her face.

Tracy stood there frozen and obviously mad but I couldn't care less, I hated her skirt and her eyes shadows made me want to cry and I was already feeling frustrated and she came to add to it.

"Are you crazy! You know I could kill you right now!" Tracy said while trying to get the ice cream off her face.

"Next time you want to wear an ugly red skirt, make sure you are as far away from me as possible cause I hate it"I said cause that was the most important thing to me now.

"Red skirt? You just!..... how dare you!...... argh you are so lucky you are pregnant!" Tracy said and left my office with ice cream still on her face.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when she left, I felt so happy, and so relived, I felt I could do anything, the sky was my starting point.

"Did you really need to that"a male voice said.

I turned and saw Aaron at the door in his grey Armani suite, and oh boy did he look ravishingly handsome.

"It made me happy so yes" I said and went over to hug him, I loved the way he smelled, his perfume reminds me chocolate and fresh roses and I didn't mind being in his embrace forever.

"Little miss huggy , I am here to take you to lunch so get your bag and let's go" he said and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears, which made me blush like a teenager all over again.

"Sure I'll just get my bag" I went over to my table and picked up my bag.

As we made our way out of the main office, someone shouted and before I could understand what was going on the staffs gathered together and increased the volume of the central tv.

Chloe rushed towards me and started mumbling so many words at the same time which made me more confused.

"What's going on, calm down and talk to me okay" I said to her trying to calm her down.

"Mr........sir..........boss........."she started mumbling.

Aaron's phone rang and he moved away to answer it and in less than a minute he came back, he pulled me into a hug, which confused me the more.

"Promise me you not freek out"he said.

"Why should I, what's going on" I said but deep down I knew something bad had happened but i didn't know what it was.

"Just promise me" he said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Fine I won't, what is it already"I said.

"It's about Zion"he said and stared at me like he was studying me.

"What is it about Zion, talk to me already the suspense is killing me"I said with a frown on my face.

"Zions private jet just crashed"he said.


"Zions private plane crashed into an island"

"Oh my God"

Lost love!

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