chapter 37

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"I'm so sorry for all these years, I'm sorry for not being bold enough to take you from her, I'm so sorry for you not having a stable childhood,but above all I'm so sorry for being a coward that couldn't even protect his own child"dad said.

The look on his face was sincere,I have never seen a man broken this way before in my entire life,he was almost tearing up and that to me is sincere, atlist if I can't have a sincere mother then a sincere father would do.

"I forgive you dad,I.....I forgive you"I said.

"Thank you Alia,thank you. I know it's kind of late but can I get you that Ice cream you've always wanted?"he asked sheepishly.

"Sure dad,but not right now,I have a lot on my plate,but on a very good day"I said with a small smile on my face.

"Sure...Alia please becareful,your mum,never go up against her openly,I don't want you to end up like me and my brother, and be careful around Aaron too,all that glitters isn't gold"he said.

"I know dad,and I believe mum has gotten herself another man toy"I said.

"And if you can leave the mafia please do, don't make yourself a living target for all mafia group against yours,please you have children now,I need you to be safe not for me alone but for your son's Alia, run away, take your children to a far away country,please"he pleaded.

"I don't run away dad,I stand and I fight,I fight for my son's,I don't want them to grow up like that,the way I did, I don't want that for them, because am a woman doesn't mean I can't fight,if mum can wage a war then am equally up to to task of winning that war, I'm strong,I don't look it but I am"I said.

"Okay alia,just be careful"he said.

"I am dad,I promise"I said and gave him reassuring small smile.

"If you say so, just be careful and here this is my card,call me if you are in any trouble,make sure to let me know okay"he said and placed his card on the table then stood up.

"Call me if anything happens okay?"

"I will dad,I promise"I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay then,I'll let you work now,have a nice day and I'm so sorry"he said and left the office.

I sighed in relief, atlist one aspect of my life has been settled,and late or not,I'm glad to have my dad in my life again and on my side.

But as always the real issues I was facing came back to my head, surfacing it's ugly unsettled Mysterious head, I was given a task today and I failed woefully,how do I remain in the mafia after this, and who on earth did I give that file to,I face palmed myself,I was frustrated already.

"Excuse me ma'am,your presence has been requested by Mr knight"chloe said barging into my office and startling me in the process.

I rolled my eyes at her and frowned at her.

"I'm so sorry for barging in like that,but mr knight is really in a foul mood"she said.

"When did he even get back?"I asked as I stood up.

"Well few minutes back and he order me to get you"she said.

"Fine,let's go"I said and left my office.

Zion in a foul mood was definitely not the zion I want to encounter especially after stealing from him,but I guess this is the only way I will find out if he sent the impersonator or not,and if he did,well I believe hell was about to break loose cause it's going to mean so many things.

I knocked on his door and he called me in.

There was a frown on his face, actually a very big and angry frown,which I raised a questioning brow at,he was definitely angry and I was definitely behind the reason why.

"What do you think you are doing Alia trey bailey"he said coldly, too cold for someone who is definitely about to rip my head off with his eyes.

"I was in my office"I said.

"Cut. The. Crap"he said boldly.

"I don't get,what crap are you talking about?I was in my office when chloe said you wanted to see me"I said.

"Really?,then why did you steal this"he said and dropped the file I stole on the floor in front of me.

"Steal what?,what's this?"I said playing dumb.

"Alia! Stop all this right now?,stop!"he shouted.

"Okay fine I'll stop, so you sent the impersonator?"I said holding eye contact with him.

"Yes,to keep you safe"he said.

"Safe? Or you mean spy on me and ambush me"I said trying to control my temper.

"Safe Alia safe. cause you don't know what you are desperately getting yourself into"he said angrily.

"I know what I'm getting myself into unlike you who keeps secret and spy on me!!"I said angrily.

"Keeping you safe isn't spying on you Alia!,you have no idea what's really going on and here you are jumping on the train! Are you crazy? Do you want to die?"he said.

"Yes!! I'll die if that's what it takes to protect my son's"I said.

"OUR SON'S,Alia our son's, that's what you fail to understand,I love my kids,and I'll never let any harm come to them"he said.

"Then if you really love them,you would come clean what everything that's happening zion,but until then,you are a threat to them and an Enemy to me"I said coldly but I meant every word.

"You are jumping into hell with no precautions and you think you won't burn?,you were in coma for years Alia,alot happened,then you just wake up and ruin everything with your stubbornness, being strong and being dum are two different things and right now you are definitely not strong"he said.

And we stood in silence, holding eye contact,we were at war In our silence,no words just our eyes telling each other how angry and hurt we both were,then his words sank into my head, what if I wasn't really going about this in the right way,what if I was on the wrong side of this unseen battle?,I bit my lower lips at the thought of it.

"Alia take our son's and go to the island,till this whole thing is over"zion said breaking the silence.

"Run?,you are asking me to run?"I said in annoyance.

"No I'm asking you to do what's right for our son's"he said.

"If you want to do what's right for our son's then tell the truth,until then I'll stand with ace"I said and picked up the file from the floor.

"I love you"zion said out of the blues and I frozed.

"I love you so much it hurts that i can't have you,that I can't stop all this,no matter what I do you keep getting sucked into this battle,I don't know what to do any more Alia"zion said.

"Tell me what's happening,tell me what's going on, just tell me zion"I pleaded.

"And risk you getting killed? Over my dead body"he said.

"You know eventually I'll find out,and eventually I'll hate you for not telling me all this while,if you want to give our love a chance then start by talking" I said and left the office.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding the minute I closed the door.

"Alia"someone called.

"Ace? What are you doing here?"I asked.

"You need to leave Right now, come with me"he said and took my hand in his.

"I....I....don't understand what's going on"I asked as I was being pulled to the elevator.

"There's a hit and it about to go down this evening,I can't let you die"he said and pressed the button.

"A hit?"I asked

"Yes alia, a hit, a hit on YOU"he said.

"On ME?"

Oh boy!.



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