Chapter 44

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Zion's P.O.V

The search for alia has gone on for weeks but it's like we keep hitting a dead end every single time we get close to finding her, three weeks of fruitless search.

Three weeks of pain, sadness and  fruitless efforts, ever single security team was working on how to get alia back and every single time we had a lead it gave us hope but as always the hope gets cut short by reaching a dead end.

"Where do you think she is?"gio asked.

Surprisingly it turned out that I and gio were not so different after all, we both protected what we loved, we both had to do everything to impress our fathers ,and we both loved alia, even tho I had a problem with it, now wasn't the time to banter or fight over her, now is the time to get her back and afterwards she gets to decide who she wanted to be with and whatever her decision Was going to be, I would respect it.

"I don't know gio honestly "I said as I took a sip of the wine I was holding.

"She has to be somewhere, any where, think of someone who has the motive" he said.

"I honestly don't know gio, if  Tracy was alive then I'd say her or your late sis cause those two hated her with all they had but they aren't so I honestly don't know who took Alia" I said defeated.

the sound of my phone brought our attention to it, it was an unknown number with no caller id, i hesitantly picked up the call and the voice i heard had me frozen on the spot.

"hey Zion it's Alia, can we meet up?" alia said on the other end of the call, gio noticed my reaction and gestured me to put the call on loud speaker which i did.

"where have you been? where are you right now?" i said anxiously.

"can you meet me on the rooftop of the office in thirty minutes?" she said not answering all my questions.

"sure" i said and she ended the call.

"something is off" gio said when the call ended.

"I believe so, we've been looking for her and now all of a sudden she wants to meet? something is definitely off" i said.

"we would all go, I'll take some of my men just in case, you could call the police too cause whoever took her would be close by and you would definitely be wearing a bullet proof" gio said and handed me a bullet proof.

In twenty minutes we all left Gio's house for the office, i was anxious and nervous, this time around i was going to save her, and whatever would make her happy i would do it, as we approached the office my heart beat quickened, i didn't know if it was out of anxiety or the fact that i was dying to seeing alia again, i was dying to hold her in my arms, i was dying to kiss her senselessly, i was dying to be in the same room with her again, i turned too look at Gio only to find him looking at me already, i raised a questioning brow at him.

"she's mine" he said.

"let her decide that" i said and got down from the bus.

I entered my personal car and drove to the office, the plan was too look like i came alone so neither alia or the people who kidnapped her would suspect otherwise, when i got to the office it was empty except from the security personnel's that guarded the office, i greeted them and made my way into the empty knight empire building, as i entered the elevator that led to the roof top of the building, i wondered how she was going to get to the roof top without the guards stopping her but my question was answered when i got to the roof top only to see alia waiting for me, with bruises on her face and a cut on her lips, the sight of her like that broke my heart into pieces.

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