Chapter 33

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They both started at me not saying anything, I eyes darted from mr knight to his wife,I rolled my eyes after waiting for too long.

"I'm waiting, you have to tell me, I have to know what's really going on,I have kids I need to protect, so please I beg you, tell me what's happening,what don't I know?, Why is marrying zion so important?"I asked pleading.

"Nobody comes after a knight, and having that as your last name keeps you safe"mr knight said.

"That I know, tell me what I don't know"I said.

"A war has broken out between the knights and some bad people,and in other for them to get their revenge, they'll attack anyone close to the knights,just to get to us, that's why you need to marry zion"mr knight said.

"I don't need to marry zion, what I need is to make sure my children are safe,and then stand to fight this war"I said.

My phone began to ring in my back pocket, I checked the caller id but it was showing no caller id, so I excused myself and went to the kitchen to answer the call.


"Alia come to the training ground now"an encrypted voice said.

"Why are you still hiding who you are?"I asked.

"You have 30minutes"the voice said and ended the call.

I went over to the fridge and collected a jar of orange juice, I didn't bother to find a cup,so I drank from the jar,bad habit I Know,but I was too tired to care at the moment,After having my fill with the orange juice,I left the remaining on the counter,and left the kitchen.

When I got back to the where I left mr and mrs knight,they weren't there,so as fast as possible as I could i sneaked out of the house, signalled them to open the gate for me which they did,I didn't bother calling my driver cause I knew zion would ask him about my whereabouts so I decided to take a taxi.

And that wasn't the best of ideas cause I had to walk a long mile before I could see and taxi in site,I totally forgot that zion owned the whole place.

When I finally saw a taxi,I waved for him to stop, told him where I was headed and got into it, and what a relief I got after walking for too long.

When we arrived at my destination,I payed him and got out of the car, the place was deserted,I couldn't call the number back so I decided to go check the boxing ring where I was trained the last time.

"Hello"I said just incase anyone was inside.

But my voice Echoed back at me,which made me confused a d worried,my cellphone began to ring and I quickly picked the call.


"Are you sure you are at the training ground?"

"Yes I am but there's no one here Ace"I said.

"Good,stay there"

"What do you mean stay there?,what's going on?"I said but he ended the call.

Immediately I became worried, so many things started going through my head,why will Ace call me out here and tell me to stay her for no reason?,he definitely had something planned and he wanted to keep me away from it, but what could it be?, I raked my head thinking of so many things until one clicked and the thought of it alone drained the life Out of me.

Ace called me out cause he wants to attack the house, that was the only logical reason, mr knight, Mrs Knight and zion where all home, and this was a perfect time to actually do something to them, killing three birds with one stone, but my son's where also home.

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