Chapter 22

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You had to be kidding me,who on earth did he think he was that he could just throw marriage on me.

I pushed him away from me with every strength I had,then removed the ring and placed it on the table.

"I will do no such thing!"I said and left the study.

Zion,that egoistic bastard,how insensitive of him,how could he ask me to marry him just because I gave him children,why will he ever think that I would say yes to a man that did nothing but jump on every thing in skirt while I was fighting for my life,I felt pain and anger all at once,I was angry because he thinks the only way to make things right was to make me his property,and I was sad cause I hated the fact that deep down all this anger I was feeling,I still loved him,and that was the worst.

I was about to open my babies room when I heard my mum talking to someone,the door was slightly open so I could see who it was,my mum had her back to me but the man she was talking to was facing the door,Aaron.

"How dare you do something as reckless as that? That wasn't the plan"my mum said to him which confused me.

I know eavesdropping was a bad thing but it seems everyone around me has something going on that they don't want me to know,they were all keeping secrets.

"I had to,your plan was slow,and I am still the master of this game,don't you ever forget that"Aaron said to my mum.

Game?,plan?master?,what was really going on?,first Zion with a mysterious woman,now my mum with Aaron,what are they all doing?

"Aaron from today onwards,we will do everything according to the original plan, I need to get him out of the way and I need you to distract her,that is the only way we will succeed,if you go against me one more time,I promise to kill what you love the most and you know very well that I am not joking"my mum said.

Who was him and her?,who did my mum want to destroy?it was like the more things I get to discover the more I begin to question the woman who I have known as my mother all my life.

"Very well,we will talk about this at the spot, for now I need a kiss,I have missed your touch and kisses baby"Aaron said and pulled my mum into his arms.

And the most unimaginable thing happened,they kissed and my mum kissed him shamelessly.

I had to stop looking cause I couldn't believe what my eyes had just seen, Aaron and my mother were in cahoots and as if that wasn't enough,they were having an affair,what?!, if I didn't see it with my eyes I would have never imagined or believed it.

I knocked on the door and pulled it open, Aaron was with my baby boys,while my mum pretended to be asleep,oh how I wanted to slap her out of her pretense.

"Alia,congratulations"Aaron said and pulled me in  for a hug.

I felt like slapping him,I wanted to push him away and curse him and tell him that I never wanted to see his face again, but I couldn't do that,they were planning something and my guts tells me that it is something big and evil and I had to get to the bottom of it.

"Thanks a lot Aaron"I said and pulled out of his hug.

"Oh I came in and saw your mum sleeping,she must be very tired so I didn't bother to wake her up" he said.

"Oh that's true,she has been nothing but helpful,taking care of the boys isn't an easy task"I said with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Alia it's time to name the boys"Mrs knight said barging into the room.

"Oh my, they are still sleeping"I said to her.

"Wake your mum up,we would name them that way,Zion was asleep on his naming so like father like sons"she said with a big smile and picked one of the boys up.

I went over to where my pretentious mother was and tapped her.

"Mum we are about to name the boys"I said to her.

"Oh my! I slept of" she said and faked a yawn which made me almost roll my eyes.

"So sorry,am sure you are very tired,that's why I didn't bother to wake you when I came in"I said to her with a fake smile on my face,two could play this game.

She got up from the chair and went over to where Mrs knight was standing,she greeted Aaron casually like they didn't know each other,which made me angry,I couldn't believe my own mother isn't as she seems,first the thing she did to the two brothers and now what she's doing with Aaron,it made me realize that I didn't even know my own mother,and deep down it hurts like hell.

We all made our way downstairs,with my mum and Mrs knight carrying the boys in their arms,Aaron walked with me silently,which was really what I needed.

When we arrived down stairs,the priest was already present and Zion stood beside him,everyone turned to look at us,some with a genuine smile on their face while other,oh well they looked like they would rather be somewhere else than here.

Mrs knight and my mum placed the boys in the carrier in front of the priest, and I went over to where Zion was standing and immediately he held my hand,which I yanked off,I definitely wasn't in the mood.

"I welcome you all to the naming of this two handsome boys,that will grow up to become strong men in the future,by the power invested in me and in agreement with both parents I will here by commence the naming"the priest said.

"With the consent of the parents I herby name the first boy Asher Xavier knight and the second son Tyler Xavier knight" the priest said and poured oil on their heads and everyone clapped.

"Way to go Alia,what about the names I gave you?"Zion whispered to me.

"I didn't like them, really? Paul and Saul? For God sake"I said and rolled my eyes.

"They sound Amazing in my ears"he said.

"Well they don't to me"I said and left him.

Few hours later the house was  empty and the maids started cleaning,I went into my room to have a nice quiet bath while my mum and Mrs knight were looking after River and Tyler,as I layed in the bath tub,so many questions began going through my mind.

Why did Zion appear all of a sudden on my due day?

Who was the lady he was talking to?

Why did he propose all of a sudden?

What was my mum planning with Aaron?

Hell! How did they even know each other?

Who was the him and her they were referring to?

How long have they been seeing each other?

And last but not the list.

What do I have to do in all of this?

I groaned as these questions kept flooding my mind,but one thing was for sure,

Everyone has a secrete they hide.

And I needed to get to the bottom of it,cause this secrets could put I and my children's lives in danger, and I would never let that happen, Never.

Lost love,


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