Chapter 38

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After what ace told me I couldn't say anything,I let him take me out of the building,I didn't question him about where he was taking me to,i went numb when he told me I had a hit on my head.

All that was going through my mind was, who Could have put a hit on me? Who wanted me dead?,was this the danger dad and zion has been talking about?was I really doing the right thing by being In the mafia nd going against them?.

"Come down"ace said to me.

His driver took us to an abandoned house on the outskirt of town,in as much as I was lost in thought I knew it took us three hours to get to the house.

I looked at ace who stretched his hands to help me get out of the bus,I let out a breath and took his hand,I felt like crying but I know crying infront of him wasn't the widest thing to do at that moment, crying would mean I'm weak and I definitely don't want to look weak at the moment.

Ace opened the door to the house and signalled to come,which I did without questioning,the inside of the house was definitely beautiful,on the outside it looked abandoned but on the Inside it was definitely so alive.

"You'll be staying here till I'm sure that hit has been brought down"he said.

"My son's"I said.

"Are safe in your house,the person who placed the hit wouldn't dare touch your son's"he said.

"You know who placed the hit?"I asked.

"Yes I do"


"You'll have to find that out on your own,but for now,stay here"he said

"I can't just stay here,I need to be sure my sons are safe and I definitely don't want to run away from this fight"I said angrily.

"If I say you should stay here,then you would stay here Alia,cause that's the wise thing to do when a hit has been placed on your head, you hide untill you know who your enemy is then attack,not walking the streets and telling yourself you are fighting"he said.

"Wow! So you are all the same! You all want me to hide instead of fight"I said angrily.

"I'm protecting you cause you are one of us, don't compare me to the rest"he said.

"How sure am I that there's a hit on my head?"I said.

"Well look here"he said and pointed at his phone.

And there I saw it,my picture and the time it was placed,but the person who placed the hit was anonymous.

"It shows anonymous so how do you know who placed It?"I asked.

"Cause I know who places anonymous hits in this city"he said.

"Who?"I asked.

"That's for you to find out"he said and left the house before I could say any other thing.

I dropped on the couch close to me and covered my face with my hands, all this was too much already,I not sure how much of it I can take, but I knew I had to be strong for my son's, I have no other option.

Two weeks later.............

Two weeks has passed and I heard no word from Ace or anyone,the house was stocked with food so no one came to see me, I was going insane staying in this place without my son's and no internet.

The Tv in the sitting room only showed the news channel and it bored me to death, the house was surrounded by trees so I didn't even know how to get to the road ,I never heard the sound of a car or anything at all that could indicate that there were people around, and it only made things worse.

As I took in my reflection in the mirror while brushing my hair, tears began to roll down my cheeks, I missed my son's,I haven't even really spent time with them since they were born, instead all I've been doing is getting myself deeper in to so many dangerous things other than spending time with them, and now this. Is where it has all landed me, alone in the outskirt of town,with no way to reach them,my quest to protect them at all cost was taking me away from them,and it hurts.

The sound of a car driving in broke my train of thoughts and immediately I picked up a base ball bat and held it as a weapon,i peeped through the window to see who it was and When I saw ace Come down from the car I felt a big relieve,and dropped the base ball bat and ran to the door to open it for him.

Immediately I pulled the door open,he pushed me inside and closed the door.

"How can you be so careless,what if I was being followed"he said with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry I was excited to finally see someone after two weeks"I said.

"Doesn't mean you shouldn't be security conscious"he said.

"I'm sorry"I said, wasn't really In the mood to argue.

"You are free to go back to your son's now,the hit has been dropped"he said.

"Thanks alot,that's such a relief,thanks alot"I said and hugged him.

I didn't realize what I did until few seconds later, I pulled out of the hug sheepishly and I felt so embarrassed.

Ace just stood there looking at me with an unreadable expression,and it only doubled the embarrassment.

"Don't ever do that again"he said.

"Sorry I was too excited"I said and placed a strand of my hair behind my ears,I couldn't even look at him.

"Don't be too excited, and go dress up we are leaving"he said.

That's when I realized that I was just in my night ware that consisted of a short and singlet,I had no bra on and to think I just hugged him like that made me want to face palm myself and hide, but of course I couldn't do it,so I quietly went back into the room to change.

I changed back to the dress I wore when coming here and in no time I was ready to leave this place,ace locked the door behind me and opened the car door After wards,he was really a gentleman but I knew better.

The ride took longer that I had expected and at every step of the way my heart was pounding,I was anxious and excited to finally see my son's again,I occasionally glanced at ace bit his eyes were fixed on the road.

"Where are we going?"I asked.

"Taking you to Kira so she can take you home"he Said.

"Kira huh....what a shame"I said a bit disappointed.

"She is good hands,I'm sure you know that"he said

"Yeah I do....very good hands"I said sarcastically.

"What's your problem?"he asked finally looking at me.

"She likes you and hates me how then do you think she would feel when you drop me off and order her to take me home, again"I said .

I didn't know how to explain how I was feeling right now,was it jealousy? Is it possible that I was jealous of Kira? Or was it the fact that he didn't want to drop me home, whatever it was it annoyed me.

"Feelings, that's something we don't let control us in this aspect of life,and you have failed to learn that,that's why petty things borders you"he said.

"Fine,take me to Kira then"I said and looked out the window.

Whatever was the reason for this attitude,I didn't like it,cause it would only mean that I have developed feelings for ace,and what a shame that would be.

Lost love


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