Chapter 17

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Alia's P.O.V

"Hey Alia what are you looking at?"Zion said behind me.

" nothing Zion let's go"I said and dragged him to the car, but my mind kept replaying what that man said to me, an illegitimate child? How? Does that even make any sense? Is that why my dad hates me cause I am not his real daughter? Well that would make so much sense.

"Hey Alia, what are you thinking about"Zion said to me, bringing me out of my trail of thoughts.

"No.. nothing, where's my food?"I said changing the subject immediately.

Zion gave me a questioning look, but didn't push it, he brought out the burger and handed it over to me, I took it quickly from his hand and took a big bite,it tasted heavenly, it was the best burger I have ever had,so I devoured it quickly.

Zion didn't say a word, he just watched me with a questioning look plastered on his face, I knew he really wanted to know why I was starring at a big street instead of being in the car where he left me, but I concentrated on the food I was eating, just so I avoid any arising question.

When we arrived at the office, I got down immediately and made my way to the office,Chloe met me at the front desk and took my bag from me, and we got into the elevator.

"Chloe, what will you do if you find out that you are..... that.....that you are an illegitimate child?" I asked hesitantly.

"Illegitimate child!"chloe screamed and I immediately placed my hand on her mouth to shut her up, and immediately the elevator door dinged and opened.

I dashed out of the elevator immediately and entered my office, it was so embarrassing.

"Am so sorry for screaming that way...I....was just surprised, or tho I know, I don't really know anything about you,but you honestly don't look like an illegitimate child"Chloe said which made me roll my eyes.

"So illegitimate children have a way they look? Really? I never knew that!"I said sarcastically.

"Once again am sorry, my stupid mouth doesn't know when to shut it"she said.

I shook my head at her and stood up from my seat, I went over to the window, and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding all this while,I didn't know how to feel about the new information I just found out, how sure am I that,that man wasn't payed to tell me this? how sure was I that,that man wasn't a fraud?,but all these questions would have made sense if something deep inside me didn't believe him, I believed him. And that was the painful part.

"Miss Alia I would be in my office just incase you need me" chloe said and left.

I on the other hand needed to get to the bottom of this, and I knew just the way, so I picked up my phone from the table and left the office, I made my way to the intelligence department,they would know how to track that man,and they would help me get to the bottom of all this, then afterwards I'll call my mum, or maybe go see her, if of a truth I was an illegitimate child,then my father's hatred for me would be justified and that would be disappointing.

"Hello! Good afternoon" I said at the door of the department.

"Oh my......I.......errmm...good afternoon ma'am, afternoon please come have a seat, how may I help you" the guy in front of me said stuttering a little, his emotions were all over the place and it made me like him automatically.

"Thank you...."


"Thank you Shawn"I said and smiled at him.

"To what do we owe this visit ma'am, is something wrong?"he said nervously.

"Oh my, calm down shawn, I just need a favor from your department" I said

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