Chapter 30

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A Bomb!

A ticking Bomb,for God sake!

I didn't know what to do, I looked at the security guy and he was saying something but I couldn't hear him, at that moment all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beat,and the many thoughts going through my mind.

And without thinking or knowing what I was doing,I pushed pass the security and ran outside the house with the bomb in my hands, I just ran as fast as I could and as far away from the house as I could get, I wasn't thinking at that moment, all I knew was I couldn't let my children die.

The security team was following me,I believe they wanted me to give them the bomb,but hell no,I couldn't risk it,I couldn't risk the safety of my children,so I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I looked at the bomb in my hand and it was still reading very fast and I had just three minutes, three minutes to save my children.

"Miss Alia hand over the bomb ma'am please"the security guy that was chasing me said.

I didn't listen to him, hell no, I'd rather blow up with this bomb in hand than take the chances of my children blowing up into pieces, call me foolish,I honestly don't care,any mother would die for her child or children,that I was so sure of.

The sound of the bomb became faster which meant it was about to blow up,so I ran towards the direction of the woods,if I was lucky,I would be the only casualty when this was over.

"It's about to blow up stay away"I shouted at the security guy that has been following me.

"That's why I said you should hand the bomb over ma'am,I can actually deactivate it cause it's a small bomb"he said.

I looked at the bomb and it had just five seconds left, so I continued running, as far as five second could take me, and before I could check if my time was up it blew up.

But to my greatest Surprise,instead of a bomb explosion,it was a funfetti explosion, I didn't know if I was relieved or angry or grateful,I just stood there, covered in funfetti, with a frown on my face.

I turned to face the security guy and I saw nothing but relief on his face, but I on the other hand,oh I was angry,the sociopath that did this had to pay.

I gave him the rest of the funfetti bomb and began walking back to the house the other security team that has been following us to had the same relief on their face, but me,I was furious,angry and frustrated.

So I channeled these emotions and began running again,I ran faster than I could have ever thought, the power of anger was truly underestimated.

When I got back to the house there were cops everywhere,and immediately they saw me one of them approached me.

"Miss Alia, thank God you are safe, can we have a word with you?" One of the police men said.

"No"I said and walked pass him to where Mrs knight and my mum stood with the twins in their trolly.

"Alia my love I was so worried"my mum said and tried to hug me but I walked pass her and went straight to my kids.

I kissed them on their fore head and that's when I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding,that'd when I felt relief,I would do anything for them even if it was running stupidly with a bomb in my hand,I would.

"Alia!"someone shouted behind me.

I turned to see zion,with worry written all over his face, he ran towards me and pulled me into a hug, a hug that I needed,I didn't even have the strength to argue or fight it,I just gave into it.

"My love I'm so sorry,what would I have done if I had lost you today,I'm so sorry"he kept on saying and placed kisses on my head.

We stood there for a good five minutes before I pulled out of the hug,his suit was stained with funfetti already.

"Al please tell the cops what happened okay, and whoever is responsible for this would pay, I promise"he said and placed a kiss on my fore head.

"Alia!"someone said behind us.

I couldn't see who it was cause zion covered me,but when he turned,I saw someone I least expected.


He stood there looking at me,you could tell he has been worried with the way his brows were knitted together in a frown.

And I didn't know what happened but at the sight of him my heart did a little flip,and something inside me wanted to run to him and hug him,but I couldn't,I stood there looking at him looking into his eyes with so many emotions going through my heart and mind.

"You had one job zion and you couldn't even do it properly"ace said to zion.

"And what are you doing here?"zion asked angrily.

"If anything had happened to her trust me I'll never forgive you"ace said to me.

They both stood head on facing each other, that's when I realized that they were actually the same height, two tall powerful,egoistic male fighting because of me, if this was a regular love story I would have been blushing like a high school girl, but instead the sight of the both of them going head-on instead of finding out who did this only made me pissed me off.

"Stop it, both of you"I said gaining their attention.

"This isn't the most important thing right now, catching who played this prank is,then afterwards you can kill each other"I said and left them.

I went over to where the cop that approached me when I got back was standing,to tell him everything that happens,while those two sort themselves out.

"Mr simmons you won't be handling this case"someone said behind me, and without turning I knew who it was.

I could feel the dark tempting presence already, I didn't need to turn to know it was him.

"Who would you like to handle it then?"mr simmons said.

"Kira would"he said and that made me turn.

"Kira?"I asked surprised.

"Yes,she's the best detective in the states"he said with his brows furrowed.

"I don't I mean, your you know what am talking about right?"I said stuttering a little while making some eye movement that he didn't understand.

"Yes,Kira and I am sure she doesn't belong to anybody"he said with a frown on his face.

"Like, mafia Kira?"I whispered to him.

"Yes Alia"he said.

"Oh.... wow....okay"I said awkwardly and turned to face the cop,who just nodded at me and left.

"Did you get hurt"ace whispered into my ears which made ever sense in my body become alert,his voice sent shivers down my spine but not in a bad way, oh no, in the most sensual way ever,I swallowed my saliva as my mouth became dry all of a sudden.

" didn't"I said and let out a breath.

The fact that his body was just few inches away from mine,made me loose my balance, was overwhelming, I know I didn't like him,hell I just met this man,I don't even know his real name,like who in the mafia world bears ace, only a naive fool like me would believe that,but somehow my body get tensed up whenever he was around me,he made me loose my breath in a way I don't even understand,and with him breathing down my neck right now,it took all the self control I had in me not to turn and face him,cause if I did,i didn't know what was going to happen.

"Good"he said and with that he left.

And immediately I felt cold,I couldn't say if I was sad or relived,I bit my lower lip a little, but there was this last feeling I knew I couldn't deny.

I was disappointed, disappointed that he left just like that.

What the hell is wrong with me!

Lost love


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