Chapter 23

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"Alia please listen to me"Zion said as he followed me down the stairs.

"Listen to you? How do I listen to someone who isn't even saying anything?"I said.

"Alia we need to get married!"he said and held my hand.

I yanked my hand out of his grip,and slapped him.

"No you Zion Enrique knight,you listen to me! I will never marry you! Never!"I yelled angrily.

"Hit me as many times as you like,but you will marry me,do you understand,cause it's for yours and the babies safety,so if you love River and Tyler you will do everything and anything to protect them, even if it means marrying the man you hate,okay"he said.

"Thanks but I'll find a better way to protect my children"I said.

"Our children Alia,our children and trust me I tried looking for another way but there isn't Alia,you have to believe me,we don't even need to be in the same room,everything would be the way it is, just that the whole world will know you as my wife, that's all" he pleaded.

The look in his eyes were genuine,he was really worried about something,and at the same time I could see and feel his desperation,which confused me.

" I want a contract marriage then"I said.

"Hell No,we have to be married for real,but you could file for divorce in ten years time,or until I am sure you are safe"he said with a frown on his face.

"You joker,you want to trap me in a real marriage with you?, you have to be kidding me,oh wow,way to go Zion"I said and clapped my hands.

"Trap?is being with me real that difficult?,do you really hate me that much?"he asked with pain visible in his eyes.

"I don't hate you,but yes being with you is that difficult cause I just met you when I got out of coma,so don't blame me!"I said.

"Then maybe I have to remind you"Zion said and pulled me into his arms,and before I could complain he kissed me,and I froze in that moment not knowing what to do.

But as his lips kept demanding for my response,my own lips betrayed me by responding to his,and before I could stop myself,I was pulling him closer,my fingers found their way to his hair, his sleek,soft hair, and like my body had their own control I was moaning to his kisses,I couldn't think about anything else except how much I wanted his kisses,how much I have missed his touch,I groaned.

"Alia I love you and believe me,everything I do is for you,please remember how much we love each other"he said in between kisses.

Oh Zion,if only you knew how much I love you,if only you know that I never forgot our love,who could forget the strangest love, how could I forget the love between two different people from different face of life, but I couldn't admit this,cause even you my love is keeping a secret and for the sake of my kids I couldn't trust anyone for now.

I pulled out of the kiss and took few steps away from him as I tried to catch my breath,he looked at me with lustful eyes,I knew he wanted more but I couldn't give him that.

"I'll marry you if you tell me why it's so important for us to be married"I said holding eye contact with him.

"It's better you don't know Alia,for God sake I am trying to protect you and you want to know?!,what if they find out that...........Alia you don't need to know"he said stopping himself.

"I need to know Zion, who are the they?"

"None of your business,stay home and have a lovely day" he said and left the house.

One thing was for sure, I needed to find out who Zion was talking about, for him to be this desperate it only means whoever 'they' were, they were stronger and more powerful than Zion,And whatever secret he was keeping was big.

"Alia what's wrong"my mum said interrupting my thoughts.

The last person I wanted to see at the moment was definitely my mother, I still haven't been able to wrap my head around the fact that she was keeping things from me, and was having an affair with Aaron,but the most annoying part is that she still puts up a front.

"Nothing mum, just a little misunderstanding"I said.

"You know I think you should agree to marrying Zion and yes I know that's what he wants, he has spoken to me about it and honestly I feel it's a good thing"she said.

And I wasn't even surprised,I could bet a fortune Zion hasn't spoken to her about anything,and if she wants me to accept Zion's marriage proposal then that means she has something to benefit from it,and I would never let that happen.

"You want me to marry a man I just met?"I said.

"Technically that's not true, and I think your should see a therapist so you can get your memory back, then I remember how much you use to tell me that you love him, you even told me then that you wish to get married to him, if only you can remember"she said.

Wow! She just lied to me,my dearly beloved mother just lied to me,I never said anything like that in the past and we never had that conversation ,so if truly I had Amnesia I would have believed her and fallen into her trap.

"Well too bad I can't remember having that conversation,and my decision is final,I will not marry Zion,period"I said with my arms crossed on my chest.

"So you prefer being called a baby mama than a wife?"she said.

"Yes I do"

"Alia , think about this  thoroughly before making any decisions okay?, think about River and Tyler and what is best for them, as your mother I only want the best for you, and everything I do it's for you, cause I love you so much" she said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I've made up my mind" I said and made my way up the stairs.

I went into my babies room to check up on them, and they were sound asleep, I sat down there watch them and river turned in his sleep and Tyler's brows were frowned like he was having an argument with someone in his dreams, and it made me smile, as I stared at my them tears began to form at the bank of my eyes, I love my children so much and I would do anything to protect them,I had to become a warrior mum cause the people I am protecting them from are the people closest to them, and that's the worst kind of enemy anyone could ever have, but I would go to hell and back before I let anyone touch them.

So I made a decision I didn't know if I was strong enough for, but like I said , I would do anything for my children, I picked up my phone and dialed a number I have had for a long time.


"Ace, I need your help" I said

"Are you sure you are ready?" He said calmly.

"Yes I am"

"It's not easy, I am sure you are aware of that" he said.

"I know but right now I have a very good reason to do it, now I have the strongest driving force" I said.

"Then come to me tomorrow, let's begin" he said and ended the call.

I didn't know if I was ready for what I was about to do, but one thing I know is, I would do anything for my sons, even if it means turning to Ace.

Lost Love.

Thanks for reading!

What do you think Alia is about to get into?


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