Chapter 16

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Three weeks has gone by since the death of Samantha and I still haven't gotten a hold of myself,the incident kept repeating itself in my head every night, it became a constant torture for me.

I've been living in fear my whole life but this?,this was something else,it was beyond fear,I was living like I was walking on egg shells,my days were hunted with memories of her, and my nights was haunted with my own guilt.

I kept asking myself,what if's,  what if I am reason she's dead?, What if I didn't stop to pick a fight with her that day, would she still be alive now?, What if I hadn't come to Zion?, What if I didn't get pregnant for Zion, would she still be alive now?, What if I was the one who killed her cause I came back to Zion?

Those questions keep tormenting my nights,and i was exhausted already, or tho Zion kept me company at night,and at day time I was with Chloe in the office,but still,still,every single time I remembered her,I couldn't help but blame myself for her death, maybe I killed her.

"Miss Alia, Mr knight request to see you in his office"Chloe said, bringing me out of my train of self condemnation thoughts.

"Okay" I said and headed to his office.

I knocked on the door and Zion answered,so I pulled the door open, the sight of Zion was always comforting,but as I entered the office,all I could see was Samantha, Samantha on the desk, Samantha on the chair, Samantha by the window,all I could see was Samantha and before I knew it I was in tears, apologizing to her,but she kept looking at me with hatred in her eyes, I cried and cried pleading, begging for her forgiveness,but she didn't seem to care.

"Alia! Alia! Shhhh,stop crying,there is no Samantha here,hey, baby look at me, look at be, shhh, am sorry for bringing you here, shhh, I am here okay and there's no Samantha, open your eyes,hey, look at me,look at me, shhhhhh there's no Samantha okay" Zions kept saying to me as he pulled me into his embrace, at that moment that was the only place I felt safe, in his embrace.

"Hey baby, stop, stop tormenting yourself with self guilt, you didn't kill her, okay, shhhh, stop crying, I breaks my heart when I see you cry, shhhhhhhh" Zion said as he took me to the sofa in his office.

"Zion, what if?.."I began to say but Zion placed his hands on my lips stopping me.

"I don't want to ever hear you say that ever again, you are not the reason she's dead, she came from a family with many enemies,one of those enemies killed her okay?, Not you baby, so please stop, stop hurting yourself for nothing"Zion said and hugged me.

"Okay" I said trying to get the image of Samantha out of my head.

"I called you here cause you need to go for your check up,the doctor said you've not been there for three weeks now, and that's not good for you or the baby"Zion said and pecked me on the forehead.

"I've been busy"I said.

"Well today I will be taking you there myself,okay so let's go"he said and pulled me up, and we left the office, Zion held me so close, like I could break if he let go of me.

"Thank you" I said to him as we made our way to the doctors office.

"No need to thank me love, I'd die if anything happens to you,so I'll protect you with every blood in me, even if you don't remember our love Al I am ready to give you much more than that love you don't remember"he said and it melted my heart.

"Good morning doc"Zion said.

"Morning Mr knight, please take a seat, Mrs knight how have you been"the doctor said as I climbed on the bed where I would be examined.

"It's just Alia, and am fine doc"I said.

"Oh sorry, my bad"she said and began the check up.

"Oh here is your baby, so big already"she said with excitement.

The sight of my baby brought smiles on face, for the first time in three weeks ,I smiled, I guess that's why babies are called bundles of joy, they just know how to bring joy to the hearts of their parents, I turned and looked at Zion, his eyes was fixed on the screen and he also had a smile on his face.

"So she and the baby is fine right?"he asked the doctor when we were done.

"Yes, but the mother needs bed rest, and she needs to take more vitamins and please try sleeping, insomnia is not good for your baby and you right now,please" the doctor said and wrote some prescriptions.

"I'll make sure of that doc, don't worry"Zion said and we left the office.

"Am hungry"I said.

"What would you want to eat?"he asked.

"Burger, a king size, extra cheese burger"I said salivating at the thought of it.

"Fine we'll get you just that" he said and told the driver to head to the nearest burger shop.

I waited in the car as Zion went to get the burger,but something caught my attention which made me get down from the car, I saw a man I could swear with my life I knew but where,was what I couldn't place, and he starred at me with the same look I had on my face.

I walked up to him, without thinking and he to me to.

"Hi"I said

"Hello alia trey bailey" he said, confirming the fact that he knew me well enough.

"Sorry but your face looks familiar,I don't knock w if we have met or something" I asked curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh what a shame I thought you came to hug me and tell me how much you missed me, but too bad, you are just like mum, you never miss anyone, instead all you do is run away" he said bitterly.

"Mum? Did you just say mum?"I asked confused.

"Yes alia, too bad you don't remember me, jonas, does the name ring a bell, if not I'll help you, how about, your elder brother that was left in the hands of that monster called father by his mum just because she wanted to protect an illegitimate child that isn't her's!"he said




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