Chapter 34

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I stood there starring into his eyes, I couldn't form words to say but my heart had alot to say,I was confused,why am I not happy to be free?, free from this life, free from having to hide what I joined,free from the pressure of ever telling my kids in the future that their mama was part of the mafia world,any sane person would jump for joy.

But I guess I wasn't a sane person,cause if I was the words that were about to come out of my mouth this minute wouldn't have.

"No,I'm not leaving"I said.

see I told you,I'm not sane.

"Why?,I am your capo and I can tell you what to do, and you obey  me"he said and learned even closer that our lips were just few inches apart, I could already feel his hot breath on my lips.

"Cause i willingly joined you, and I'll willingly leave when I want to,not cause you say so"I said trying so hard to maintain my composure.

"Then you are truly not as wise as I gave you credit for,this is an opportunity to save your children,have a better life and free yourself of the burden of having to kill the father of your kids and you choose to stay?"he said and tucked a looses strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Cause I joined you to become stronger than I am now,so excuse if I choose to stay cause I haven't fulfilled the dream yet"I said.

"Fine"he said and moved backward, creating space between us.

"Then I believe you can do this simple thing I am going to Ask of you"he said.

"Which is?"

"I need you to steal a file for me from zion"he said.

I frowned.

"Why? And what file exactly?"I asked.

"It's a file that contains some transactions which you don't need to know, bring me that file and I'll never ask you to leave"he said with a cold straight stare.

"Where is the file?what's the name and how do I get it?"I asked.

"It's in zions office,it's part of his confidential file, and it has Xx1 written on it"he said.

"Xx1? What does that mean?"I asked.

"All you need to know is you need to hand over that file by 12pm tommorow,as simple as that, I don't care how you get it, just get it"he said.

"I'll get it and afterward you'll tell me what you need it for and what it contains"I said.

"No,12 Alia else you are out and I promise nothing"he said and left the room.

I was angry,confused and curious,what ever that file had in it has to be important for zion to keep it in his office and for ace to want it, whatever it was I had to get it, I needed to remain in the mafia for now.

I came out of the training room and met Kira outside with a frown on her face as always, which made me roll my eyes,she didn't like me and I don't care.

"I'll give you a ride home"she said.

"Why?,you don't like me"I said with a frown of my own.

"Capo said so, nothing special"she said and entered the black Jeep that was parked behind her.

I rolled my eyes at her behavior but I got into the car either ways, one I knew she feared and respected ace so definitely she wouldn't harm me,else he'll kill her, I don't know why I am so sure about it but I am,and two it's obvious she had feelings for him and wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

I called zion to know where he and the kids were and he said mum had taken them home,so I told Kira to drive me home, I didn't even spend time with my son's, I've been so caught up with everything that I forget to see my kids sometime,when all I do,I do for them,how funny it was.

"You are not special,don't ever think that, many had come and gone, he'll never be that way with anyone so dont bother doing what you are doing"Kira said as she parked in front of the mansion.

"I'm not doing anything,so relax"I said and rolled my eyes at her.

She grabbed my hands and squeezed it which caused me pain.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!"I said in pain.

"Stay away from him, leave and go with your problem,don't put him through anything you are not capable of following up"she said and let go of hand.

I held back the urge to slap her cause I knew she was stronger than me and besides she was the least of my problem at the moment, so I rolled my eyes at her and got down from the car, and she sped of, driving like a crazy lady at night.

I rolled my eyes and immediately I got close to the main mansion gate it pulled open, and I came in contact and angry zion.

"Hi"I said.

"Where have you been alia?"he asked  angrily.

"Somewhere"I answered a d walked past him, but he held my hand and I flinched cause it was the same hand Kira just squeezed.

"What's wrong?"zion asked with concern on his face.

"It's nothing I'm fine,just tired"I said and he let me go.

"Goodnight"I said and left him at the gate.

I was about to steal from him,so it's best I didn't spend time with him,else I would loose every confidence I had to do what I was told to do, it wouldn't hurt as much if I didn't spend time with him.

When I got into my room I let out a breath of relieve, finally I could lie down and rest, the day had been nothing but stressful for me, I dropped down on my Bed and starred at my ceiling for a while, I didn't know if I was making the right decisions,hell I didn't know what direction my life was going now but as long as my kids are safe,then I believe I am doing the right thing.


Lost love


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