Chapter 24

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When the driver stopped me at the Destination I had given him,I took a deep breath as the sight of this place only made me realize how far I have come,and how far I was willing to go just for my sons.

I let out the breath I was holding and got down from the car, I had come this far already I couldn't go back,there was no turning back.

I pressed the door bell and waited,I knew calling him was something I shouldn't have done, but right now I had no choice,alot was happening and I need to prepare myself for the unthinkable.

The door pulled open and there he was standing infront of me with just his pants and his scarred brows and chest,the sight of him already scared me but I knew I couldn't turn back.

"Alia trey" he said and stepped aside for me to come in.

"And hello to you too" I said and entered the house, which was empty,but I wasn't surprised.

"Are you sure about this alia?, there's no turning back after now,you should rethink" ace said to me with his brows furrowed and his arms crossed on his chest.

"I know there's no turning back,believe you me,I am ready"I said holding eye contact with him.

"You are no longer the only one involved in this,you have children now"he said.

He wanted me to change my mind,but I was more than determined to do this, especially now that I have two wonderful boys,I'll do anything to keep them safe.

"The more reason I'm here,now if you are done,I want to begin what I'm here for"I said.

"Okay then,come with me"he said and walked to what looked like a kitchen but I've learned never to believe anything I see around him,there was always more as long as ace was concerned.

When we got to the center of the kitchen he pressed a button and before I knew it I was falling into a hole,I knew there was always more.

I fell on my face flat at the bottom of the whole while he just walked pass me,I groaned in pain but I knew this was nothing compared to what ever I would be experiencing here.

"First you have to be burnt, usually I'd train you first but since you are so stubborn,I'll skip that process"he said and pressed a button that lit up the whole room.

"I...burnt? How?"I asked stuttering a little.

"If you want to be part of this mafia you have to bear our mark, normally I'll train you first but I've decided to burn you first,so just in case need be that you would need my protection,I would have a good reason to protect a stubborn woman like you"he said with a straight face.

Yes you heard that Right,I was about to join a sicilian mafia and he was the mafia boss,how did I meet Ace,if that was even his real name was an accident if I do say so myself.

A year before I came out of coma,I was told that there was a man who kept on coming to check up on me at the hospital,infact he came there almost everyday,I was told he looked dangerous but there was always a way he looked at me, everyone one in the hospital thought he was my husband because if how frequently he came to check up on me.

I was told he was the reason why I came out of coma,and the first time I opened my eyes after seven years,he was the first face I saw, the first face I saw was that of a stranger,I couldn't say anything to him cause I had just regained consciousness,and that was the last time I saw him until today,but he left a note that said,

call me when you can't trust anyone. Ace.

For months I searched for him, secretly, it was almost like he didn't exist,I was frustrated,I needed to know who the stranger was,then one day I decided to go back to the hospital,when no one knew, I asked around about him then I was told that he had a sister who was dying the period I was in coma,I was given her name and that was when I was able to find out who ace was.

He was a mafia boss who brought me out of coma,I knew going into his world was a dangerous and scary decision,but I couldn't trust my mum,neither could I trust zion, and I need. To protect my son's,who else could protect us better than a sicilian mafia boss.

And his note stuck to my head, he knew there would be a time when I couldn't trust anyone,which only meant,he knew what was going on,and he knew I would turn to him,I needed to find out how.

"Fine,I'll take the mark then"I said.

"Alia,are you sure?"he asked with a stern look.

"Yes ace" I said

"Fine,give me your hand" he said and picked up a ring,which confused me.

I stretched my hand and he took it,he looked at me one last time before wearing me the ring,at first I didn't understand how that was supposed to hurt,but few minutes later I started feeling pains, and before I knew it,my fingers began to burn, I yelled in pains as the burning sensation began to spread,I went down on my knees in pain and kept yelling as the pain intensified and was spreading round my body.

Ace stood there looking at me as I yelled and cried in pains,I knew pain,I knew labour pains but this,this was something I haven't experienced,this was a different kind of pain.

I cried until I couldn't cry anymore,and in few minutes time the pain stopped,I tried removing the ring but I couldn't,I stood up on my feet and looked at ace who stood in front of me with his arms crossed on his care chest and a scowl on his face.

"Why can't I take it off"I asked.

"Welcome to the mafia world"ace said

And somehow that made me feel fulfilled.

Hi everyone

Thanks alot for reading lost love,thanks alot for your patience,there would more updates on this book as I am planing on completing zions and Alias story very soon, thanks alot for being patient.

What do you think of Ace?

A lover?


An Enemy?


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