chapter 28

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"well I can't fight against my son's family, joined you so I can protect them,not the other way round"I said holding eye contact with Ace.

"I wouldn't have accepted you,if you were part of that family,but in this world alia it's blood for blood,gold for gold and you are part it now"he said.

"Kira would help you understand better"he said and left.

I turned to face Kira but before I could say anything she hit me,and I blacked out.

I regained consciousness later on,and found myself in a ring,a boxing ring which made me frown as I rubbed my neck.

"Finally the princess is awake"she said.

"I'm not a princess" I replied and rolled my eyes as I tried to get on my feet.

"And she has a sharp mouth"she said with her hands crossed on her chest.

"I was told you were going to teach me,not compliment me"I said as the frown on my face deepened.

"How do I teach someone with an attitude like that,I might end up killing you"she said.

"Would you start or what"I said,I was getting angry already.

"Fine"she said.

And for five hours she taught me how to fight and defend myself,and boy was it so difficult,at some point I wanted to give up,I wanted to cry,but when I remember why I was here in the first place I shut out those emotions,and Kira didn't make it any easier,at some point I felt she was just beating me up.

"Still want to do this"she said as she had me pinned to the side of the ring, her body pressed against mine and she held my hands that were behind me.

"Yes"I said as I tried to endure the pain I was feeling.

"Sure?"she said and pulled my hands the more.

"Yes"I said as I tried to endure the pain.

"That's all for today"someone said gaining our attention.

And immediately she let go of me and got out of the ring,I wiggled my hand cause I felt there was no blood flowing in them.

"I'll drive you home"ace said which confused me.

"I'll be fine"I said and got out of the ring.

"You have so many bruises,how do you plan on getting home?"he said as his eyes scanned me from top to bottom.

That's when I started feeling the pains of the bruises,Kira really did a great job on me,she made sure I felt pain, no pain no gain she said.

"Why will you want to do that?"I asked and raised a brow at him.

"In this world,nobody questions me,now come"he said and left.

Well who questions a capo in the first place.

When I got outside there were four black jeeps backed close to the door,and men in black standing close to them,I noticed they all wore the same ring I had on.

Ace pulled open the door of the car for me and signalled me to get in,and without much ado I got into the Jeep.

And immediately the driver started the car, i looked at ace with a confused expression,but before I could say anything the car began to move,and ace watched us go.

I rolled my eyes at how confused the man was,he said he would drop me off but went ahead to send a driver to take me instead,either way I didn't mind as long as I was going to see my son's soon,that was all I cared about.

The ride to the house was a silent one,but I enjoyed it,I enjoyed the silence cause it was a peaceful one,I felt pain all over my body tho,but I felt stronger inside.

The driver stopped few minutes away from my house and told me to get down,I knew it was for security reasons so I did, and walked the few meters to the house.

Immediately I got infront of the gate the gate man pulled it open,I had to pretend that I had no bruises so I smiled at him and walked to the house.

"You better pay me up,else I'll expose you"I heard a female voice say.

The voice was coming from the garden and as always out of curiosity I went to check it out.

I saw my mum and Aaron talking to a lady, she had her back to me so I couldn't know who it was,but that voice was a voice I was sure I've heard before.

"You don't have the right to threaten me"mum said to her.

"I do,I have every right to, I have nothing to loose,I've been in jail already,so watch your tone with me"the lady said.

"Tracy, never you dare threaten me,I can be worse than jail"mum said to her.

"Then I'll tell your daughter everything,from high school till now,I'll tell your daughter what you have done, pay up and my lips would be sealed,I'll be expecting my payment before the day runs out"she said and left the garden through the other door.

Quickly I left where I stood and entered the house, I was confused, sad but above all I was angry, who have I been calling mother all these years.

"Alia,when did you get back"Mrs knight said immediately she saw me.

"Just few minutes ago,how are my son's"I said.

"They are fine,their great grand ma said she wants to meet her great grand children soon,I hope that's okay with you"she said with a warm smile on her face,this woman always made me feel safe.

"Yes it is, why not"I said with a smile of my own.

"I'll go get change and join you for dinner,please excuse me"I said and went upstairs to my room.

Immediately I locked the door I sat down on the floor, what I had just witnessed was something I couldn't believe.

My mum and Tracy where in cahoots,and Aaron too, but above all my mum was paying her for her silence which only means she had done something dirty for her,she knew something that could destroy her.

And as if finding out zion was a murderer or rather is being accused of murder and the mafia was against him wasn't enough,my mum had to be more involved in more dirty secrets.

This lost love game has only just began, and I was exhausted already.


Thanks for reading.

Lost love

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