Chapter 31

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"Alia,C'mon in,it's late already"Mrs victoria said to me.

After what happened today I couldn't rest or sleep, even tho I knew that the cops or rather Kira was already on the case and she was one of the best, which is still something I couldn't quite wrap my head around but still,I couldn't rest, I couldn't eat neither could I sleep, I gave the cops my cellphone to track the call I received and told them everything that happened, but I couldn't rest or sleep even after all that.

I stood by the pool side thinking,I had so many guesses,I had so many suspects that would want to pull this kind of prank on me,but no matter how hard I thought about it, none of them Clicked, like I don't think any of them would go as far as pulling such hideous prank on me, my mum, Aaron, Tracy, Trey, I don't think any of them would go as far as doing this.

"Alia you've had a rough day, why don't you rest a little it's already past eight and you are still over thinking"Mrs knight said and handed me a glass of water.

I was grateful I could count on her, she made me feel like I had a shoulder to lean on and her presence always reminds me that I am not alone, atlist I had her.

"Thanks but I'm fine really"I said after drinking the glass of water.

"You know,I went through hell too, I don't know if you've heard my story,I got into a contract marriage with a man that didn't like me,talk more of love, it was stupid,I trusted the wrong people and oh how naive I was, but after everything that happened, everything I went through even when zion was just a new born,I told myself I had to be strong, even tho everyone around me were turning into foes, and do you know where my strength came from?" She said.

"No...where?"I asked.

"Zion, my son,he was my strength,what you did today,Any mother would have done that, you see our kids they give us strength even in our weakest moment,but in as much as they are like our fuel, doesn't change the fact that they need us much much more than we need them,and they don't just need us alia,they need the best of us..... you've been a brave girl today dear,but be braver by knowing when to take a break,so you can give your children your best" she said and pulled me into a hug.

And that was the best hug I have ever received,it brought warmth to my heart,I held onto her like she was my life support,and for a while we stood that way.

"Thanks alot"I said when I finally pulled out of the hug.

"Don't thank me child,you,you are a hero,you are brave and trust me,you are the best thing that could ever happen to zion"she said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you so much, you are the best"I said with tears in my eyes.

"Shhhhhh baby, don't cry,you deserve every good thing life has to offer"she said and wiped the tears off my face with her hands.

I couldn't say anything because of how emotional I was already so I just nodded my head and hugged her for the last time before she left with the empty glass cup.

She was right, I needed to give my kids the best of me,so I had to settle everything going on as soon as possible,so I could focus on them properly.

The sound of the garden door closing caught my attention, and someone wearing a hoodie stepped out, it was late in the night so I couldn't really see the face of the person, but with the body build I knew it was a woman.

So I decided to follow her, but I made sure I kept my distance so she wouldn't notice I was following her, she pushed a  button on the wall and a door opened, a door I never knew existed in this house.

She looked left and right making sure no one was following her before she went through the door, and as quickly as I could I followed her, I put my hair in a bun so I wouldn't be seen,the black polo and joggers I was wearing really came in handy.

The door led to the outside of the house and trust me I wasn't surprised in any way, there was too much going on that nothing surprises me anymore.

The woman pulled out her cellphone and placed a call, she crossed the street and went over to the other side where a black power bike was parked, but there was no one on it.

Because she was far from me I couldn't hear what she was saying, and she had her back turned to me so I still couldn't see her face, in other to hear what she was saying, I walked down until I was a bit far from her, then crossed the street that way I was behind her.

"Tracy I am giving you just give minutes, if you aren't here by that time,consider yourself dead"the woman said.

And I immediately knew who it was, my dearly beloved mother,I felt a kind of pain in my chest, it really hurt to know your mother is one of the bad guys, but this wasn't the time to be emotional so I hid behind a tree and waited for tracy to show up.

Few minutes later a power bike came and there she was, I used my hand to shield my eyes so I could see them properly cause of the headlights of the power bike was facing me.

"You know I really love working with you Mrs Trey, too bad your daughter have no idea the kind of mother she has, and she actually took nothing from you"Tracy said with her hands crossed on her chest.

"Here is the money you asked for, and I never want to see you again, you need to disappear"my mum said and handed her an envelope.

"Why did you do that to your own daughter?" Tracy asked after collecting the envelope.

"Because I am her mother and I'll do anything for her"mum said which made me roll my eyes.

"That's why you paid the doctors all those year to keep her in coma?,that's why you paid me to push her down the stairs that day? What a mother you are Mrs Trey"Tracy said.

"You know,You have a very sharp mouth for a very young girl,and I don't like that, you know too much, and that's a problem now"mum said.

"I have my money, trust me, i am definitely not a problem,I'll disappear and you will never hear from me again" Tracy said and turned to get on her bike.

But before she could do so, mum brought out a gun and shot her to the head,it was a silent gun,and with that tracy dropped dead.

I stood there motionless, speechless,in shock, apart from finding out that my mother was the reason why all these things has happened to me, she was also a cold hearted murderer.

She dropped Tracy's lifeless body on the ground and made a call to someone, and few minutes later,A black Jeep parked beside her and Aaron came down with two unidentified men and carried Tracy's body into the Jeep.

He kissed my mum on the lips and told her something in her ear, one of the men took Tracy's bike and while Aaron and the other guy got into jeep, and off they went.

My mum crossed the street and went back into the house,like nothing happened.

I stood there, and watched it all,and I couldn't do anything, so many emotions flooded my body, so many questions answered,but the answers were just another phase of trauma,the answers were painful.

Tears began to run down my face,I took in deep breaths to calm my burning heart, but it was of no use, I fell to the ground and cried, I cried cause I had a wicked mother, I cried cause she ruined the life of my best friend by getting her involved in her evil skim, but above all I cried cause I just watched my best friend die and I couldn't save her.

I cried cause my heart was bleeding.

Lost love.



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