Chapter 26

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"where have you been?"I heard someone say as I was about entering my office.

I turned and saw zion with his hands in his pocket and a scowl on his face,his hair was messy which meant his fingers has been in there many times.

I gave him a small smile and entered my office, ignoring his question,but I knew that was definitely not the end of it cause he followed me into the office..

"I asked you a question" he said coldly.

"Somewhere,don't I have the right to leave when I want to?"I asked.

"Not without letting me know,the driver came back four hours ago,so I don't get why you told him to leave, so where on earth where you Alia?"zion said the frown on his face deepened.

"I was out, simple"I said and took my seat behind my desk.

"Are you seeing someone?"zion asked.

I couldn't help my next action, i bursted out into laughter,I laughed and laughed until tears began coming out of my eyes.

"What's funny?"he asked and his frown deepened.

Which only made me laugh the more, he looked like a kid with that facial expression he had on.

"Of all the things in the world zion,you think I'm seeing someone?,I just gave birth!"I said when the laughter died down.

"Then why being secretive about your ware about?"he asked closing the space between us.

I rolled my eyes and went back behind my desk,I had no plans on telling him where I've been the same way he didn't tell me where he was for more than six months.

"If you tell me where you were when I was pregnant,then just maybe I'll tell you about my ware about,until then,I believe everyone has a right to his secrets"I said holding eye contact with him.

"It's dangerous out there"he said with frustration laced in his words.

"I know, and I am not afraid"I said.

"What's that on your finger"he asked finally noticing the ring Ace gave me.

"Who's ring is that?"he asked again this time he was angry and I could see it in his eyes.

"None of your business"I said.

"God dermmit Alia start talking!"he said angrily and slammed his hands on my table with made me scared for a minute.

"Leave me alone zion!"I said with an anger of my own.

"What I do,where I go,and who am with is none of your business! Okay!"I yelled at him.

"It is cause you are the mother of my kids so you'd better start talking alia!,start talking!"he yelled back.

"No"I said and stood up from my seat.

"Do you know what you have just done?"zion said and ran his fingers in his hair frustratedly.

He closed his eyes and turned his back against me,then he began pacing,which confused me.

"Alia,what have you done?"he said finally facing me after pacing for almost ten minutes.

"Nothing"I said in defense.

"You've ruined everything"he said calmly.

"No I haven't"I said trying to maintain my composure as his actions where already scarring me.

"Do you know what you have just joined?,I know that ring on your finger,I know what it means! Do you even know the consequences of your action Alia?"he asked calmly.

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