"Pull them up! Pull them up!" Finn shouted as he wrapped his hands around Clarke's wrist and pulled her up. Bellamy helped Lawrence stand up and let his eyes flicked up and down her body to see if there was any scratches or bruises.

"I'm okay." Lawrence smiled in attempt to reassure the curly haired boy, who still looked slightly panicked. The only thing that was panicking her was the fact that she had to fight her own mind about not dropping Clarke to her death.

"We need to get him down." Clarke said looking up to Jasper, her eyes wearily flickering to Lawrence after hearing her mumbles, she was terrified.

Wow, not even a thank you for saving my life Wren.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn offered, trying to seem heroic.

"Yeah I'm with you." Wells also offered.

"No." Finn instantly shot down, "Stay with Clarke. And watch them. You. Let's go." Finn glanced between both Bellamy and Lawrence before turning to look to Murphy.

"Incase you forgot, literally two seconds ago I saved your precious little princess." Lawrence spat sarcastically. She hated it when people looked down on her.



"There's a poultice on his wound." Clarke pointed out as she looked at Jasper who was strung up in a tree.

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Wells questioned curiously.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes it's dinner to be breathing." Bellamy pointed out, moving slightly closer to Lawrence. He didn't want to let the small blonde out of his sight.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch is us." Finn added optimistically.

I sure fucking hope not.


"Hurry up Murphy." Finn said demandingly, causing Murphy to scoff and roll his eyes.

"Be careful!" Clarke warned as they cut the vines that held up Jasper.

Everyone's attention turned to the direction of the loud roar, the animal like sound ripped through everyones ears and the first think Bellamy did was scoop Lawrence into his side and protect her as if he hadn't quite got the hint yet that she didnt need to be saved constantly.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy questioned anxiously.

"Grounders?" Bellamy questioned, instinctively placing his hand out in front of the smaller girl. He knew that Lawrence could protect herself better than he could but part of him still felt responsible for her.

"That roar?" Lawrence let out an innocent giggle at how stupid the idea of humans letting out such an animalistic sound. "Hey Bell, I don't think it's grounders, I think it's umm-" Lawrence just pointed towards the black panther that growled as it advanced towards them.

"Bellamy gun!" Clarke shouted as Bellamy reached around for his gun.

Lawrence's eyes were averted from Bellamy tapping his waist band to Wells' who was now aimlessly firing the gun towards the panther. The panther squealed as Wells' managed to injure its back leg and send it into hiding, in the bushes right in front of Bellamy and Lawrence.

Lawrence's heart rate increased as she pulled Bellamy as far away from the bushes as possible.

No way in Hell are we dying today.

Everything went silent and all that could be heard was the small pants from both Bellamy and Lawrence.

The panther jumper up, and Lawrence pushed Bellamy away just as Wells' fired another bullet, killing the animal, dropping the gun in disbelief.

"Now she sees you." Bellamy muttered as he looked towards the dead panther.

"Are you stupid?" Lawrence questioned angrily as she looked to Wells. "You could have just killed us all trying to impress your little Princess like that." The blonde ran her hand over her face out of frustration. "Why did you have to go and take the gun? You used up all the Goddamn bullets-"

God he's stupid.

So fucking stupid.

Stupid boy.

He deserves to die, he could've killed us.

He would have killed us.


All us dead for a girl.

And Clarke of all girls.

"Hey." Bellamy grabbed Lawrence's wrist and pulled her back into his chest. "Calm." Lawrence attempted to calm herself by matching her breathing to Bellamy's. "Hurry up and get him down." Bellamy instructed towards Finn and Murphy.


"They're back." One of the delinquents shouted as the seven of them entered the camp.

"Is he-" Monty was cut off by Clarke saying,

"He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." She instructed one of the delinquents as Finn and Wells' carried Jasper into the dropship.

Bellamy and Murphy both placed down the panther that was wrapped up in left over parachute onto the ground.

"Who's hungry?" Bellamy's loud voice echoed through the camp. His arm wrapped around Lawrence's small waist and pulled her closer, the physical contact made her feel breathless and she knocked her head back into his chest muttering into the sky.


Bellamy hadn't realised that she meant internally and looked upwards in the same motion to try and find the butterflies she was mumbling about, stroking her skin hoping to get her to say more.

Bellamy and Lawrence had come up with the idea of if people wanted to eat, they needed to take off their wristbands, it was winning over the crowd who were all starving.

"Whoa, wait, wait." Murphy said stopping Finn from taking two sticks of meat from the fire. "What? You think you play by different rules?" Murphy cocked up his brow.

"I thought there were no rules." Finn resorted cockily, before walking off.

Another delinquent had the same idea, but Bellamy grabbed his wrist and hit the boy, making him fall to the ground. He needed to maintain order and having more Finn's would fuck that up.

"Come with me." Bellamy instructed, grabbing Lawrence's wrist and pulling her into the direction of where he last saw Atom. He had instructed him to babysit his sister and he knew she wasn't happy about it which was why he was also bringing Lawrence because the girls had bonded and he wanted to lighten the mood.

Bellamy clenched his jaw, pausing at a tree causing Lawrence to follow the boys angry glare to where Atom and his sister were making out.


"Atom!" Octavia quickly stood up and moved away from Atom, embarrassed and bright red with blush. "Come on. We're on first watch."

"Before you do anything stupid-don't." Lawrence said as she stood in front of Bellamy. Her hands rested on his heaving chest. "She's having fun Bellamy, let her be her own person. Let her make her own mistakes."

"Go back to the camp, gets some rest. You need it." Lawrence just ran her tongue over her teeth and nodded, Octavia gave her a timid head nod grateful for her protection not that it was going to stop her brother completely.

He was gonna kill him.

He can punish, but he cant kill.

If he kills then-

LAW ¹ | BELLAMY BLAKE (EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora