Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Jimmy taught his brother and sister to drive. I think he's not a half-bad teacher," Mr. Craig said proudly.

"Better than Jack, that's for sure," Julia laughed.

"Hey, watch it, Brooks," Jack spoke up, suddenly behind Julia. "Hey, Mr. Craig. Good to see you again."

"Good to see you, Jack," Mr. Craig nodded. They all talked about hockey for a few minutes before Jack interrupted.

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna steal our rockstar for a minute," Jack grinned, placing a hand on Julia's back to lead her to his family. Julia immediately felt a pit of nerves growing in her stomach. She was even more nervous now after meeting Heather.

"Jack," she whined quietly as they approached his family.

"Hush, you're fine," he insisted as they joined his family.

"Hi, Julie!" Annie chirped, with a smile on her face.

"Hi, Annie," Julia tried her best to force a genuine smile, but she just felt awkward.

"Ma, Dad, Joe, this is Julie," Jack introduced with a proud smile.

"It is so cool to meet you, Julie! It's so weird that Jack even introduced you as Julie, because he always calls you Jules when he talks about you. But whenever I read your name in a magazine it's always Julie. I didn't totally believe Jack when he said he knew you," Joe rambled.

"Apparently neither did Rizzo's sister," Julia laughed. "Really my name is Julia, but that's mostly reserved for when someone is mad at me. The boys usually just call me Jules."

"Hey, if I was gonna lie about meeting a rockstar, it would be someone way cooler," Jack teased.

"John Joseph O'Callahan, you be nice!" His mother chided.

"Bernie, he's just teasing," his father defended. "That's what the kids do now when they have a crush."

Both Jack and Julia lit up red in the face, as Annie and Joe burst into laughter.

"Dad, come on," Jack rolled his eyes.

"What? I'm on your side here!" Mr. O'Callahan scoffed, before looking at Julia. "It's so good to meet you, Julie."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. O'Callahan. And you, Mrs. O'Callahan."

"I wish you all were staying in Boston longer," Mrs. O'Callahan sighed.

"They need a home cooked meal, they're all too skinny!" Nonna Eruzione yelled, making the boys crack up.

"Rizzo tries to keep them well-fed," Julia promised. "I've certainly invited myself to dinner more than once."

"Good," Nonna nodded, as everyone gathered around to enjoy a few more minutes of time with the team before they left.

"Julie, you need to come back and visit us again sometime," Annie insisted.

"I'm sure I'll be back in Boston next summer when we go on tour. You guys should come to the show," she said, looking at Joe and Annie, who shared a high five in excitement.

"You barely know them and you're offering them tickets, but you've never offered me tickets?" Jack complained.

"You're such a baby," Julia brushed him off.

"So, I have a question," Joe started.

"Joe, don't," Jack warned.

"Is Cyndi single?" Joe questioned hopefully. Jack groaned in embarrassment, while Julia just laughed.

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