Chapter Ten

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Ten


*Written based on Zayn's point of view*

I arrived at Zarah's house. I parked the car infront of their house. I was about to text her that I was already here when suddenly, their front door opened and I saw Zarah, wearing cute clothes. But I prefer her wearing simple clothes. Just because I am in One Direction doesn't mean that you always need to dress quite nice if you're going to meet or see me. It's perfectly okay if you're going to dress in your everyday shirts, shorts, jeans, normal clothes, without makeup, without dozens of accesories. My eyes met hers and I smiled. I was...what's the word? Dazzled? My heart just stopped.

I am also nervous because maybe she will ask of how did I know her address. I need to think of some believable excuse.

"Hey!" I managed to say, though I think I'm going to choke.

"Hey." She answered.

"You know I prefer you wearing regular clothes like what you wore yesterday. I like you being simple, you're beautiful just the way you are." I said, not looking away from her eyes. Was I being nervous? I hope I'm not. I can't show myself being nervous in front of her. Why would I even be? I always perform in a crowd of many which means that I should not be nervous in anything anymore. And now, I am just having a conversation with a...friend.

"Well, I just don't want to look like trash beside you." She answered.

"No you won't. I will be the one who'll look like trash beside you." I winked.

"I'm just glad you didn't disguise as a frustrated rockstar. Wait, why are you not wearing a disguise?" She joked.

"I don't want to and I don't have to." I winked again. She walked towards me, my eyes still locked with hers. My heart beat was getting faster with every step that she takes towards me.

"O-o-okay." She said. I opened the door and let her sit beside to where I will sit. I walked around to my side and sat. I started the engine and smiled at Zarah.

"Where did you get this car?" She asked.

"You don't want to know." I laughed.

"You stole this?" She shouted. I laughed hard. "Hey!" She demanded.

"Of course not!" I said, still laughing.

"Where are we going?" She asked, not looking at me.

"Somewhere." I answered.

"Zayn!" She demanded again.

"Calm down!" I said, laughing again.

"Where on earth are we going, Zain Javadd Malik?" She shouted. She can make my full name sound so special. But Perrie also does too, know, as a friend, Zarah can.

"Wow, I'm surprised you know my full name. How about my birthday?" I said, I'm not really surprised because hundreds, thousands, millions of people already know my name, but she knowing it makes me smile. She isn't just a "Fan" for me. She's someone special. Like a "Special" friend.

"January 12th!" She answered, raising her voice.

"Year?" I challenged, though I know that millions of people already know what year I was born, even the little things about me were widely known across the globe. Trust me, directioners also know the exact time of when I was born.

"1993." She answered promptly.

"Mother's name?"


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