Chapter Three

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Three


"You what?" Joanne said, completely shocked as I am.

"I saw Zayn, he was looking at me that time, when a paparazzi took that shot." I answered still unconscious about what I've heard.

"I should've went with you." Joanne regretted.

"I should've not looked away." I regretted too. "If I only knew that was him, I would've ran onto him and kidnap him and he'd learn to love me and we'd be living happily ever after!" I said without stopping to breath. "Wa-wa-wait. Why was he looking at me, then?" I asked myself. That time, I'm back to reality, woken up from being unconscious, standing infront of the mini bar, with a pepsi on top of the table I was infront of, talking to my bestfriend about the five British and Irish lads here at the beach at this exact moment.

"Celebrities look at anyone. There's no big deal." Joanne said while ordering a Pepsi too.

"You're just jealous because Zayn was looking at me. While your Harry wasn't looking at you!" I teased, sticking out my tongue immaturely.

"You do realize you look extremely weird with that face." She teased back.

"Jealous! Jealous! Jealous!" I continued teasing.

"No! No! No!" She fought back.



We both sipped from our Pepsi can. A mob of girls were running towards the beach with full clothes.

"Yeah. I bet they came for One Direction." Joanne said.

"Yeah. Who would come to the beach with clothes that are inappropraite in beaches?" I agreed.

"Emergencies can happen."

"Yeah. In this case, the emergency is the One Direction Infection." We both laughed and burped and continued to laugh.

"I wonder where Arliane is." I said.

"Yeah. Maybe she's-" Joanne stopped.

"With the boys!" I continued. We ran towards the shore and found Arliane paddling towards the direction of the big wave with Matt and there's two other boys who were coming for that massive wave too.

"That's- That's-! Joanne can't finish the sentence.

"Liam and Louis! I finished. I and Joanne watched in awe as they, four, caught the big wave. Arliane and Matt were laughing while Louis and Liam were trying to balance with the wave.

"I wonder if Arliane noticed it was them." I said.

"I bet she's having so much fun with that Matthew guy that she doesn't even care if it's One Direction."

"Yeah. Well except if it was Niall then she'd do everything just to run her fingers through his blond hair."

"Yeah." Joanne agreed. The beach was already getting crowded because the fans knew that One Direction was here.

"Arliane!" I called.

"Yeah?" Arliane yelled

"Are you ready to say good bye to the waves?" I asked.

"No!" Arliane demanded.

"Jimmy protested!." Joanne murmured. I giggled and Joanne smiled.

"Just go to the cottage if you're done. The beach's getting mobbed!" I shouted.

"Fine!" Arliane said as she paddled towards the shore leaving the next wave. She waved goodbye to Matt and walked to our cottage.

"Why is this beach getting mobbed by screaming girls?" Arliane asked.

"What do you think?" Joanne said.

"I do not know, One Direction is here?" She said drinking in her water bottle.

"Yes, they are." I informed her, trying to sound calm. Arliane spat the water she drank, luckily, she's facing at the opposite direction.

"They're what?" She said, wiping her mouth and her sea green eyes were extremely wide with shock.

"Enjoying yourself too much with Matt? Liam and Louis were only like 5 meters away from you!" I said.

"And they also surfed the really gigantic wave. How can you not notice?" Joanne included.

"Is Niall there?" Arliane asked.

"Uhm, we didn't see Niall nor Harry nor Zayn-" Joanne responded.

"I saw Zayn!" I said cutting off Joanne.

"Really?" Arliane asked.

"But still! How can you not notice those two?" Joanne asked.

"I don't know!" Arliane exclaimed.

"Or you don't care?" Joanne said.

"I really didn't know! Sorry!" Arliane said.

"Stop fighting! We're supposed to be having a nice summer, aren't we?" I interjected.

"Yeah. Sorry!" Arliane apologized.

"Sorry too!" Joanne too.

"Sorry three!" I third demotion and we all ended up in a group hug. We arranged all the things scattered around the cottage where we stayed and we waited for Arliane to change from her wet clothes. Joanne and I finished our Pepsi and we threw all our trashes on the garbage bin outside our cottage.

"Hey! Why don't we take pictures before we leave?" Joanne suggested.

"Yeah! I also want to change my icon on Twitter." I agreed. Joanne clicked Instagram from her phone and started to take pictures of us.

"What a fun day! But I'm extremely hungry! Where do we eat?" Joanne asked.

"I do not know. McDonalds maybe? Arliane asked.

"Yeah. I'd go for McDonalds." I said. We loaded our stuffs to the car and sat on the car seats on where we sat when we went here at the beach.

"Please fasten your seat belts." Arliane reminded. "Again." She joked. The engine started and Arliane started to rotate the steering wheel when someone knocked on her side of the car window.

"What the heck?" Arliane said as she rolled the window down. The man continued to tap the window glass until it was fully rolled down.

It revealed the 'mysterious' man dressed in a full-diving suit, the sexy arms and legs of his and the diving mask that made him completely unrecognizable.

"Zayn." I thought.



Hey guys! I'm really a newbie when it comes to making stories, so if ever there're words that I've misspelled or if I committed a grammar crime, please let me know. Please help me reach 50 reads so that I could make Chapter Four. I hope you guys will like this story.


Keep safe always :)x

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