Chapter Thirty

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Enthralling Iperfections

Chapter Thirty


*Written based on Zarah's point of view*

"So what's the fo-Mother!" Zayn said but was immediately cut off by what we both saw. 

Niall and Arliane, their faces centimeters apart, eyes closed. But they suddenly jumped apart when they saw Zayn and I. Arliane was blushing and Niall was rubbing the back of his neck and biting his lip. 

"Sorry to disturb you." Zayn said.

"Oh--yeah--it's--it's nothing." Niall managed, his cheeks are in a shade of red too. 

"Well, it definitely was something." I teased. 

"Zarah!" Arliane complained. 

"I'll be at the living room kids." Mom said with a grin on her face. Then she sent me a I think there's something going on with Arliane and that blonde guy look. I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed quietly. Mom smiled as she continued to walk towards the living room.

"Your mom really loves to call us 'kids,' don't she?" Niall asked. I just giggled. "And Zayn why are you all wet?" Niall asked with a disgusted look on his face. 

"Gosh! Did you do something upstairs?" Arliane's dirty minded side of the brain is invading her mouth.  "Oh my gosh! That's why you took so long to come down!" She added. 

"Shut up!" I said, rolling my eyes and sitting down to my usual place at the dining table, Zayn sitting down beside me. 

"I have to say, I love your mom!" Niall said as he continued to shove food inside his mouth. 

"I love you too, blonde hottie!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Mom, that blonde hottie is already taken." I informed her. I looked at Arliane at the corner of my eye and saw her blushing, I smirked. 

"The hottie's name is Niall!" Niall said. "But I would love to be addressed as 'the blonde hottie'." He continued. We continued to eat and have pointless conversations because we really can't understand each other. We just laugh it off. Afterwards, we, four, went back to my bedroom. 

"Don't you have some gigs today?" I asked Niall and Zayn.

"Free day." Zayn answered.

"Food day." Niall responded. 

"I'm so bored." Arliane said as she threw herself on my bed. 

"Me either." I said and at down on a chair. Niall and Zayn was standing by the door. 

"Hey can I borrow your guitar?" Niall asked as he spotted it on its stand.

"'Course." I said. He walked to get the guitar and sat at the edge of my bed, Arliane crawled towards him and sat beside him, her head on Niall's shoulders. 

"Aren't they cute?" I asked Zayn. He walked towards me and kissed my cheek.

"But we're cuter." He said. I chuckled a bit and rolled my eyes. Niall started to sing with Arliane backing him up. I have to say, Arliane has a cute voice, but whenever we three, her, Joanne, and I, are together, we sound like a chicken that's about to have it's head cut off when we sing. 

Give me a second I

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom

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