Chapter Forty

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Forty


I inhaled his scent and I looked up at him, directly in his sparkly brown eyes. He caressed my hair and looked down at me. My arms are still wrapped around his waist.

"Come on." He said as he pulled away and held my hand. I sniffed and wiped my tears again using my free hand. We went inside a house which I didn't know whose. 

"Whose house is this?" I asked with a weak voice almost like I'm talking to myself. 

"Andrea's." He answered. "Simon is her uncle so basically, we're friends." He told me.

"Why are we here at her house?" 

"Because it's the nearest one." He said. I just nodded my head. "Do you want something to eat?" 

"Sure." I responded. "Wouldn't Andrea be mad?" 

"Nope. She seldom goes here and she said that we are welcome to crash here anytime, use supplies, etcetera." 

"Where is she right now?" 

"She's in Italy but, she'll be back in a couple of days." He said. "Here." He handed me a tub of ice cream. 

"Thanks." I said and got it from his hands. I walked towards the fancy couch, sat down, and started to murder the ice cream. 

"May I know why are you all alone and crying?" Liam said as he flopped down next to me. 

"I think it's better if you don't know." 

"Suit it yourself. But, you know, I can help." 

"Well, are you sure that you want to hear it?" He nodded with his lips pursed. 

"Okay." I said and started. 

*Written based on Zayn's point of view*

It has been three hours since we fought, since I cheated on her, since I broke her heart, and since I ruined my life. I went back to the house lazily. I closed the front door and was welcomed by Louis. 

"Nice hair. Did you and Zarah do it?" Louis asked and wiggled his brows. I just glared at him and went straight ahead to my room. I shut the door hard and punched the cemented wall which caused my fist to ache yet I still continued to punch it. 

Thank you Zayn. Fucking thank you for being my first love, first boyfriend, first kiss, and most especially, for being my first damn heartbreak. Her voice kept on echoing inside my head. I growled and punched the wall harder. 

You know what? I regret that I got the chance to meet you. Tears are forming on my eyes again. 

You're just like Travis. You're saying that he's a jerk when you are too. I let it stream down my cheeks. 

Don't go near me.

I'm not immune to assholes. Particularly to you!

You know, I don't want to see your goddamn face again. My knuckles are already bleeding which caused blood stains on the wall too. I ended with a last one forceful punch. 

"Zayn?!" Niall said as he barged into my room. 

"Go away." I muttered as I stared at the blood-stained wall.

"What's happened?"

"I said go away!" I yelled. Niall just closed the door and I can hear his fast and heavy footsteps as he ran downstairs. I went inside my bathroom and washed the blood off of my knuckles. It continued to bleed so I just wrapped it with a bandage. 

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